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Street Cups Starring Gazzo (DVD Download)

Cups and balls isn't about the cups. It's about entertaining people. If you want to entertain with a set of cups this is the best training package money can buy!
Price: $44.95
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Warning: Contains adult language and humor. Recommended for ages 18 and up.

Gazzo is one of the world's legendary street performers. In this ENORMOUS three hour DVD, Gazzo demonstrates and teaches his famous Street Cups routine. This is THE money-making routine Gazzo uses to close all of his street shows. You'll learn everything from placement of the wand to where to stand. You'll learn the moves, the misdirection, the subtleties, and all the presentation tips.

Gazzo teaches you how to do it, and then he teaches you why to do it that way. This is a tried and tested routine. It's being brought to you by way of the streets after over 20 years of live performance experience. Every action in the routine has a purpose. Nothing is left to chance.

First, Gazzo takes you on a tour of his equipment -- The Table Top, The Stand, The Poacher's Pouch, The Gazzo Cups, The Balls, The Hat, etc. Gazzo says, "Professionals can't afford cheap props."

Next, he walks you through the entire routine -- The Beginning Phase, The Middle Phase, and The Final Loads. He even walks you through the wand spin!

Finally, Gazzo invites you to sit in on a teach-in with fellow street pro Guy Collins. Guy is a juggler who is just starting to learning Gazzo's routine. You'll see Gazzo teaching Guy and walking him through the entire routine, correcting any mistakes and explaining why each move is done a certain way.

But, without question, the hi-light of the DVD is the MASSIVE one hour performance section. This is one of the best live street performance sequences ever captured. You'll see how Gazzo interacts with his spectators, how he builds the routine toward the finale, and how he encourages a massive hat.

The passionate student of the cups and balls will find this an invaluable resource.

On the Menu

  • Over one hour of live performance footage!
  • Full in-depth explanation of the routine!
  • Performance by Gazzo's student, Billy Kidd
  • Angles Section featuring head-on and ceiling cam. Use the angle button on your remote to switch angles.
  • Teach-in with street performer Guy Collins.
Manufacturer Says

Shot in High Definition on location in Key West, Fl.

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I won my school talent show! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 14th, 2012
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
I first saw this on Penn and Teller fool us and I was amazed. I bought this not really knowing what to expect and I must say this is probably the strongest magic routine I do now. The dvd is funny and easy to follow. Gazzo does a great job teaching you this and you can tell he is really proud of this trick. I preformed this at my high school talent show and I received a standing ovation from the crowd, and I received a $100 prize so the trick paid for it self.Not only did I win that but I also won a magic competition on (utube) and from that I won 24 tricks. This trick has really helped me take my magic to the next level so if you are willing to practice this trust me it is worth getting!
16 of 17 magicians found this helpful.
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Should be titled "How to Work a Crowd and Make Money" Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 11th, 2007
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
There are tons of DVDs that teach you how to do tricks, but there are very few that teach or show you how to entertain people. This DVD is worth getting just for the one hour live, on the streets, performance section (3 live performances of the same section of his show).

A lot of you probably know how to do the Cups & Balls, But do you know how to make it really entertaining? Gazzo's C&B routine could probably be done in about 2 minutes, but with a little comedy, audience participation and interaction, he stretches a 2 minute routine in to about 20 minutes. And when it's all over and done, the audience fills his hat with money.

Some of his humor may seem a little crude at times, but the audience laughs it up. If you have a sense of humor, you could easily adapt it to your own personal style.

I would love to see more DVDs like this one. Entertaining and working crowds with real live audiences. Can't wait to see more live performances by Gazzo (in the coming soon section - The Egg Bag, The Tossed Out Deck, and How to Perform Stand up Comedy Magic).
6 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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Balloon Magician Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 2nd, 2016
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
First, let me say the routine is out of this world. I would give up a kidney to be able to do it, but it may be years before I can. Gazzo is great with the step by step on 95% of the routine. However, he just glosses over the most important and critical maneuver in the entire routine. He does not show and explain how he is able to get 2 fingers and a thumb around the outside of the cup and manage to get 2 fingers under the cup AND keep a ball concealed. No matter how many times I stop and start the DVD, freeze frame, or just watch both the students perform the maneuver, my ball is ALWAYS on the outside of the cup. I either drop the ball or send an expensive brass cup sailing across the room when I try to get the ball under the cup. PLEASE consider doing an addendum to the DVD and have him explain and demonstrate how he does this IN SLOW MOTION!
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gazzo st cups DVD Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 29th, 2011
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
Gazzo ...What a little S--T !!

The man hates children ! and mother's w/ children, is mean to his audiance .
and his cups really s--k !

But seriously...Gazzo What can you say about the Man ..Deep down a good guy, a MASTER teacher after 30 yrs in the trenches and makes the Best poachers pouch for todays modern busker Anywhere to be found. ! and a friend !
If you at all interested in Busking then without a doubt GET THIS DVD ..NOW !!

Michael Lee
Master Magician &
Creator of the Millennium Cups
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Incredible routine Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 11th, 2013
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
Why are you reading this - you should be buying this book and DVD!

Unlike many other reviewers, I actually write reviews that are realistic. If I don't like a product, I state that I don't like it and give my reasons why. The same holds true if I believe a product is mediocre. Simply put, I really like Gazzo's street cups and balls. Both the book and DVD are well thought out and cover in detail Gazzo's cups and balls street routines.

In the DVD, Gazzo first performs three of his routines. He is so good that I missed the palming of the balls and fruit during his first routine. I then saw his sleight of hand during the following two performances (okay, it helped to use the computer to review the routines to see the sleight of hand actions.). The recording of his performance by itself was worth the price I paid. In fact, he states in the DVD that his goal is to fool the crowds - not the magicians. However, the best part of the book and DVD was when he went into great detail and described his equipment, his routine, crowd control, and getting paid.

In addition to describing how to perform the cups and balls routine, he also discussed his equipment, why he selected the equipment he used, methods used by street magicians to attract a crowd, crowd control, dealing with hecklers (he stated that one heckler threw his cup into the ocean - he discussed how he had to pay the piper to get it back) and best of all, getting PAID!

I also own Michael Ammar's "The Complete Cups and Balls, volume 1. Gazzo's routine will show you how to use comedy to extend a 2 minute cup and ball routine into a 15 to 20 minute routine in order to get you paid. On the other hand, I find that Ammar's DVD covers much more detail and more routines for cups and balls routines for beginners to experienced magicians. To reiterate: Ammar's DVD will help you learn Cups and Balls and win magic contests; Gazzo's DVD and book will help you get noticed and paid. They are both very good products.

I really learned a lot from Gazzo's tips in both his book and DVD. Gazzo is a terrific performer and an excellent magician.
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Legendary Performer. Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on November 6th, 2009
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
Gazzo knows his stuff for sure. His teaching method is awesome and his instructions are good. Rewind and watch the phases over and over again to get his timing and method down.

However... 4 stars because there are some bold moves in this routine that requires awesome misdirection and the proper equipment to pull everything off. His poachers pouch, table, cups and balls, etc etc are pretty much needed to do this routine faithfully, obviously. I attempted to do this with a usual set of cups and balls, but I do not have a pouch, so everything for me was different. Learn the techniques, perhaps make your own props and go out to the streets and try it there, but put in the hours of practice and patter to get it seamless.

His jokes/insults are for show; use them as you see fit, but just kinda watch your mouth sometimes. Haha... Good ol' Gazzo.

Anyways, awesome DVD, learn it, use it, perfect it.

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Gazzo's Street Cups Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 13th, 2007
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
This is an amazing teaching DVD. Gazzo is a great teacher and the whole video is laid out very well.

The DVD shows Gazzo performing his routine 3 times in front of different audiences. These parts are great to watch and see good presentation skills at work. Gazzo is amazing at taking the routine so much farther than normal cups and balls. He really gets the crowds involved in the magic.

Then Gazzo takes you through all the props you need, and then he goes step-by-step through the routine. He teaches you everything you need to know for the routine and he includes tips he has figured out in his years of performing.

An added bonus is he teaches two other magicians his routine. Gazzo personally goes through the routine with one magician, and then he does it again with a complete beginner. This really helps you to learn some fine details about what you should and should not do during the routine.

This is probably the single best teaching DVD I have ever bought. I used to be pretty bad with cups and balls, even doing a very basic routine. Now I can perform a more complex and much more entertaining routine nearly perfectly, and I have only had the DVD for 3 days.

The only part that is slightly disappointing is that Gazzo kind of skipped out the wand spinning lesson, but he does show the spin many times. However this does not take away from the DVD at all.

There is no question in my mind that anyone who wants to perform cups and balls should purchase this DVD. It may be slightly pricy, but it is definately worth every penny.
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Good buy Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 4th, 2012
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
I think most magicians are corny and a lot of them are convinced that the way the perform a trick is the best. Gazzo is the opposite of that. I love that he encourages you to do things your own way.
I enjoyed the DVD and the book. The only reason I didnt give it 5 stars is because I was left with a very strong desire to buy the cups, balls and bag but I cannot afford them. However, I still feel that the information Gazzo shares is so valuable. He practically hands you his act and all his secrets. He is and will always be an icon.
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GAZZO and BILLY RULE! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on April 22nd, 2011
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
There's nothing to really say about this DVD & Book Combo aside from they're charging WAY TOO LITTLE!
Gazzo is a GREAT performer. Although he belittles his technique by naming off who created the original routine he uses, it's his personal EVERYTHING he's done with it that makes this stand above all others.
Billy Kid is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS and being a female working where men seem to have a foot-hold, she will OWN the art of Illusion! I do not say that to belittle female performers; I actually believe there should be more. It's wrong for men to be the only ones performing Illusions and becoming known.
This DVD is a must have (plus you get the book!). Gazzo gives you an outlook on performance and management you can't "figure out". Billy, being his student, is not as confident as she should be. Her Talent is only limited by her obvious need to do everything precise. Gazzo's precision and finess flows through her, that's something you can't imitate!
Even if you think this is "just Gazzo's Routine" you're sadly mistaken. He focuses on many points of performance, sleight of hand, psychology behind every move and, especially, why "back dooring" the art should never be done. There's a description (very in depth) of his gear, why he uses what he uses, where you can find and or have made the props that are the building blocks to his particular routine as well as why it's all important.
Gazzo, you are supreme! Billy, you will take the world by STORM!
BUY THIS SET while supplies last... I have mine!
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Very Entertaining Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 20th, 2007
(This review is for Street Cups Starring Gazzo)
This is the most comprehensive educational dvd, but is worth the price for Gazzo's humor and overall presentation. Buy it - you'll love it!
1 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
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