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The Approach by Jamie D. Grant (Book)

A Complete Guide to Becoming a Working Magician. NOW SHIPPING. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
List price:$75.00
Price: $47.50
You save: $27.50 (36%)

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"If you've been doing walk-around forever or just bought an invisible deck yesterday - The Approach is the best investment you can make. Jamie's covered EVERYTHING based on self-actualized innovation as a worker in the trenches. Two thumb tips up and a Sanada gimmick high five!" -Bill Abbott

"Jamie D. Grant writes with wit, intelligence and brevity – a rare trifecta. In this book he spills essential information that every walk-around performer needs to know. Sure, you already know some of this, but you don’t know it all. And that makes this a required investment in your performing career." -Ken Weber

"If I only had this and the Tarbell course, my magic career would be in great hands..." -John H

"This is the book that every magician needs in their library . . . even seasoned pros (who will either just confirm what they already know, or if they're like me, manage to learn something new that hadn't occurred to them before). In a short amount of time, I'll be able to tell which performers have read this book, and those who haven't, just by the merits of their performance. Thank you, Jamie, for sharing this "gift of wonder" with the magic fraternity. I will look forward to seeing the majestic garden that will result from the seeds you have planted." -Philemon Vanderbeck

"Invaluable information for the working magician. This is definitely one of the best buys I've purchased in my 24 years in magic. " -J.M.

"P*ss*d that I didn't have this back in the day." -Steve Valentine

Jamie D. Grant is a professional magician who, for over a decade, has entertained thousands of people from all walks of life. From billionaires to celebrities to the person next door, Jamie has been asked, and paid, to bring people joy and wonder. In this book, Jamie provides insider knowledge on how he did it… and how you can too.

Chapter List

1|How many tricks you should know -Article
2|Who are you? -Study
3|Developing your sets~ Part I -Lesson
4|How to practice -Essay
5|Your Magic Fridays -Anecdote
6|Business cards -Advice
7|Websites -Tip
8|How Do You Look? -Study
9|What are you wearing? -Advice
10|Funny or serious? -Anecdote
11|Are you any good yet? -Lesson
12|Starting Conversations -Advice
13|Touching people -Trick
14|How Much To Charge? -Article
15|The Cocktail Party -Essay
16|Getting started -Advice
17|Volunteer gigs and charities -Advice
18|What to say in emails -Tip
19|The telephone call -Trick
20|Getting There -Lesson
21|Developing Sets- Part 2 -Article
22|Silence -Advice
23|What does my contract looks like? -Anecdote
24|Transitions -Advice
25|Conquering nerves -Article
26|How to get gigs -Essay
27|Getting ready for your first one -Essay
28|Fingernail care -Trick
29|How much time to prepare -Tip
30|Pocket management -Article
31|Your list -Study
33|Your closeup bag/case -Advice
34|Things to never forget -Tip
35|Hat or No hat? -Essay
36|The handshake -Tip
37|What to put in the lobby -Trick
38|Who to approach first? -Article
39|My first effect -Advice
40|What rubberbands to use -Tip
41|Moving through a room -Article
42|The first words you (I) say -Essay
43|Highs and lows -Article
44|Getting applause -Essay
45|More transitions -Study
46|Saying goodbye to your group -Essay
47|Tables versus standing -Advice
48|Dealing with the Alpha male -Article
49|Staying in one spot -Advice
50|Busted! -Advice
51|Getting compliments -Tip
52|Letting spectators shuffle -Article
53|Reset. Reset -Study
54|Venue Staff -Tip
55|Kids at an event -Advice
56|Burning through material -Lesson
57|How many hours? -Lesson
58|Remembering names -Article
59|When to show the event planner -Tip
60|The card force I always use -Anecdote
61|Accepting tips -Article
62|Wallets -Anecdote
63|Handing out business cards -Tip
64|What to never borrow -Anecdote
65|Someone wants to show a trick -Article
66|Regular decks -Study
67|Weddings -Lesson
68|Large tables -Anecdote
69|Do you join them for dinner? -Anecdote
70|Vest or jacket? -Tip
71|The second Big Secret -Trick
72|Do it again -Article
73|Another magician shows up -Anecdote
74|Gigs outside -Advice
75|When only ten people show up -Anecdote
76|Do you need a stage show? -Study
77|Dance floors -Advice
78|Checking back in -Tip
79|Dropping cards -Tip
80|Sponge balls -Trick
81|Dealing with disappointment -Advice
82|Hecklers -Article
83|Open versus closed body language -Lesson
84|One handed spectators -Anecdote
85|Stick lines -Essay
86|Lone stragglers -Tip
87|Journal -Advice
88|Leaving them with something -Essay
89|Custom decks -Article
90|False memories -Article
91|Invoices -Article
92|How to get testimonials -Article
93|Getting all the money -Article
94|Increasing rates -Tip
95|Busking -Advice
96|Repeat gigs -Study
97|Pictures -Tip
98|Social media -Advice
99|Going full time
100|Agents -Anecdote
101|Essay -Article
102|Go get it -Advice
103|The beginning -Thanks

"Let me tell you 5 reasons why I think you should spend your hard-earned money on this...

1. I just did a Walkaround gig last night for $ 1500. I did that, honestly, by doing all the things in this book.

2. To become a doctor, a single textbook, for a single class, can cost $ 200. The Approach is under $ 100 for my entire guideline.

3. There is a chapter called, "The Big Secret". Trust me when I tell you that, once you start doing gigs, will be worth the price of the book alone.

4. I've never believed in "outsourcing". Everything, from the layout, the design, and the printing, is done here in Vancouver, Canada. By buying this book, you're positively affecting a community.

5. You have my promise that, as a purchaser, you'll be able to ask me anything you need to help you with your career. It's ALL covered in the book but, if you hit a stumbling block, I'll be here to help. I guarantee it.

- Jamie D. Grant

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No hyperbole; it's GREAT Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 25th, 2013
About a week ago I decided to pick up Jamie’s book, “The Approach.” While is not cheap for a book, I thought Jamie had shared so much information for free over the years that it was a fair asking price.

I finished reading the book in 2 days and I think I can sum it up in one word…”Enthusiasm.”

Jamie’s enthusiasm and love of performing magic pours out of the pages of the book. When reading it, you can’t help but to be excited as well. There is TONS of valuable information packed inside. Some things I already knew but there were so many things I had NEVER thought of! There will probably be some things you disagree with…that’s ok. As Jamie says (I’m paraphrasing), “We’re all different.”

I put “The Approach” in my top 5 magic books I’ve read (please don’t ask me the other 4 right now). If you are a magician (close-up, stage, whatever), you should read this book. I’ve never met Jamie before but if we’re ever in the same place, I’m going to buy him a beer or 3 because 1) he seems like he’d be awesome to hang out with and 2) he deserves it for all he’s shared with the magic community, including this book.
12 of 12 magicians found this helpful.
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Best Book I Own Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 16th, 2013
This is the book that has got me to think differently about magic. Not only is Jamie's conversational tone easy to read, the information about magic performance and business is gold.

I place this up there with my love for Royal Road to Card Magic.

If you know a few good tricks that people like and think "I might want to perform for people" this is for you! Or if you are thinking "I want to perform for MORE people and get MORE gigs" this is also for you. Since reading I've been offered a bunch of great gigs and even had to turn some down.

If you have the book and have a question, shoot Jamie an e-mail! He really is the nicest guy in the industry and giving away all of his secrets.
10 of 10 magicians found this helpful.
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Already paying off! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on December 16th, 2013
I have booked 2 gigs and already completed one since getting this book and I have just scratched the surface! The ad copy is no lie. He really does cover every little detail. Most chapters are also really short. This way, if you have a question that pops up before getting to it while reading from beginning to end, you can look it up, jump ahead, read it really quick, and then go back to reading the book in traditional order. This seems like a small bit but it comes in handy when you are in the middle of starting a career but have not finished the book yet. For example, I was only on page 50 when I got my first paid gig lined up. I was able to skip ahead to the "getting ready for the first one," chapter to get some quick advice before I headed off to the gig. Little touches like that prove that from the very beginning Jamie intended to make a practical guide other magicians could use!
9 of 9 magicians found this helpful.
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Jamie is a Social Engineer Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 2nd, 2014
From this book I learned: 1. the vast effort required to become a paid magician and 2. that Jamie's approach is to facilitate social connections. Jamie shows how to develop rapport, to make people feel great, and to leave the audience more connected and friendly toward each other.
6 of 6 magicians found this helpful.
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Pricless!!! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 1st, 2014
This book is the total package to becoming a working magician, starting from the inside of ones self. Before reading this great courageous book I had no clue on how to put all of my skills, talent and magic all together but now I know from the knowledge I have gained from this book that's virtually pointing in the right direction to take my mime and magic to an ultimate performance audience pleasing level.
Jamie D. Grant leaves no stone unturned giving what it seems like everything he has ever learned (tons of books, tons of performances, tons of life lessons) about becoming a great magician or better yet, a great entertainer. From the business/paperwork part to the how to introduce yourself to a group of spectators I can't think of anything that's not covered in here.
Overall, this book is a MUST HAVE FOR ANY MAGICIAN that simply wants help to Improve their life and magic show biz.
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Add to Cart Now Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 15th, 2013
This book is amazing! I purchased a draft copy of this book at Magic Live from Jamie and have read it 3 times already and referenced chapters many times over. Invaluable advice from a working pro that will positively change your magic performance and business and simply make you AWESOME! Jamie's infectious passion for sharing and helping shines through in this book and every detail you can possibly imagine is discussed. BUY THIS NOW!!
5 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Great book Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on March 12th, 2014
This is a great book. There are plenty of good things said about this book and I agree with them. I was a little disappointed in the presentation / production of the book. I understand that it is valuable information, but I agree with another review that the formatting and liberal use of white space makes it seem like less of a value. I just kept thinking of David Regal's wonderful hardback with photos "Approaching Magic" that sells for the same price. I think though that "inspiring" is a great word to describe the book. It provides some very practical information that makes you believe that you can go out and work professionally as a magician and gives you specific steps to make that happen.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
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Worth it but... Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 27th, 2014
This is a good investment for the stated purpose and should be helpful if you really want to push forward to semi-pro/pro-work. I am not sorry I bought the book. Others here have expounded at length about the book's strengths, so I won't dwell on them.

I didn't rate this book higher because of the extremely goofy way the book is typeset. It looks like it was printed by a manic high school kid who just discovered how to insert various fonts into his work and just couldn't control himself. Hugely unneccesary and distracting. Makes it hard to concentrate, frankly, and imho weakens the message. Also, the lines are widely spaced throughout. That plus the spacing required by larger fonts = padding and more blank space/page than you would expect for a book this size. What this means is that you are paying for a lot of dead trees and aren't getting the same value as you would expect from a normally produced book of this size. The material is actually worth the price WITHOUT the goofiness and padding. Heck I'd have paid more if it were produced in a mature and standard fashion and it would have been cheaper to print.
8 of 13 magicians found this helpful.
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Excellent!!! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 12th, 2014
The Approach by Jamie D. Grant

A Complete guide to becoming a Working Magician - Incredible Workbook format!
(yes you will actually be writing and taking some notes to better yourself...imagine that. The fact that I am an educator...I love this aspect. Now by all means if you want to keep your book all nice and blank, then don't.)

Page Count 286

Chapter Count 103 - For all of you who are doing the guessed it. Most of the chapters are 1-2 and a half pages long. What? That's bull crap. Why would Jamie cheat us on information. Jamie has not done this, I assure you. His writing style allows him to be brief, yet convey his message in a short, concise manner to deliver the goods.

Speaking of writing style. This is the first book I've ever seen where the author changes some fonts on certain words to show emphasis and break up the monotony of a lot of text on a page. He also uses highlighting on key points to remember. Well done Jamie and this makes the readability flow nicely and not seem like you are reading a huge novel.

I read the entire book in a few hours and I am not a speed reader by any means. This is a book that you can and will go back to over and over again for reference.

Cost: $75.00

Now, before some of you start throwing your hands up in the air and screaming that you would never pay that kind of money for a softcover book....please don't. Do NOT buy this book! I wouldn't want too many guys with this kind of knowledge in their magic arsenal. There is way too much real working advice that Jamie has poured into this from his blood sweat and tears. 10 years of trials and errors in the trenches is real work. I'll be honest in that I wouldn't have wanted to share all of this information myself so he is being VERY generous. Some of the items / ideas that he shares are worth the cost of the book alone by themselves.

I am so mad that Jamie did not release this book 10 years ago when I was first starting out in magic. This book is like a swiss army knife / survival guide for beginners, hobbyists, and semi professionals looking to improve every aspect of their walk around and close up work.

Questions you may ask prior to purchasing.

I wonder if Rick is saying all of this because Jamie Grant sent him a book for free? Nope, I paid full price here at Penguin Magic.

I am a beginner and don't have the first clue what I am doing. Is this book for me?

YES, YES, and YES. The information contained on these pages will save you numerous headaches and move you up the learning curve very rapidly. It is imperative that you gain an understanding of how and why Jamie's information and hints work.

What if I am already working gigs and making good money?

My advice to you is that you will find yourself agreeing with most of the information on these pages because if you were like to were thrown into the trenches and learned on your own by failing. Do you still need this book? I think you will still find a few items / suggestions given by Jamie that you will want to test the waters with, however, I think you will find it difficult to find yourself justifying paying $75.00 compared to a beginner that doesn't know hardly any of this information. It is still a fantastic book and probably in my top 5 out of 75 books I own.

Am I going to learn magic tricks in this book?

Nope. This book is all about the nitty gritty real working knowledge that is a must have that you need to know before you even pull a trick out of your pocket and try to entertain an audience.

I am a stage worker. Does any of this information pertain to me?

Some of it will, but this is most definitely geared towards the close up, walk around, table hopping type of performer who works receptions, cocktail parties and the like.

What if I own David Stone's Close up Book that is only half the cost of this book? Are they different enough?
Yes. I own both books and they are both necessary for your repertoire.

Well Done Jamie...thanks for sharing your expertise with our community. Loved it!
4 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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INSPIRING Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on November 1st, 2013
This book is fantastic!
It inspired me to better myself physically but also think twice about simple things about nails.
Jamie goes straight to the point, most books take 3 or 4 pages to convey a point, Jamie does it in half.
He puts deadlines and gives you some tips that you would have never thought were necessary, but in actuality, the tells you they are important and why.

I can only give this my highest reccomandation
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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