Have you heard the story of the young British wizard with a challenging childhood who uses his magical powers to overcome adversity and achieve fame?
The thing is... this story is true... the magic happens in the real world... and that wizard's name is Dynamo.
Skyrocketing to success with his casual, natural style and very likeable manner, Dynamo is as much "networker" as he is "wonderworker."
He has an easy-going way of making friends with everyone from the common man to billionaires, celebrities, and royalty.
Millions follow him on Twitter and Facebook. And, if you mention his name anywhere in the UK, you see how popular he is with the public. They love him.
And so does the media. He has many celebrity fans and friends, and has even performed quite a few times at house parties hosted by Prince Charles himself.
And now, Penguin Live is pleased to give you a chance to meet Dynamo. In our exclusive interview, you'll discover what's behind his enigmatic success.
He talks about where he started out, how he developed his early style, and what it has taken to turn him into the performer he is today. I ask him how he feels the digital age has affected magic, and we find out what he thinks about all of the detractors and naysayers. He shares his true passion for good magic and talks about some of the difficulties of translating that to television. I find out which pieces he's particularly proud of and why. Plus, I ask him how he deals with situations if he's asked to do something unprepared. He even shows off some of his signature moves, and (if you stick around to the very end) he teaches a fancy way to find the four aces.
Plus, we invite Dynamo's manager to chat with us about what first got his attention, and what it really takes to make it in this business. They both offer sensible advice for anyone interested in getting on TV, and reveal exactly what it's like to work in this very challenging medium.
And, they share their current plans for translating Dynamo's show to the live stage. That's right, he's gonna do it live!
So, regardless of what you think you know, this Penguin Live event will give you a whole new perspective on what it takes to achieve the level of fame that Dynamo has accomplished.
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