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Special issue featuring Harapan Ong. Harapan has answered some really interesting questions and some intimate questions too. Harapan has also graciously contributed a trick called 'Triumph Squared' followed with contributions from Cameron Francis, Bizau, Sapan Joshi and Antariksh Pratap Singh.
Triumph Squared by Harapan Ong - A cleverX2 approach for Vernon's Triumph.
Coupling by Cameron Francis - An interesting trick for Couples Compatibility
Unknown Spell by Antariksh Pratap Singh - Aces are lost and found ..... in an amusing way with a surprise at the end.
Chachu Triumph by Sapan Joshi - A nice handling for Triumph with some added subtleties that fly by anyone
Table Shuffle Prod and Popout - Cool and edgy card production and pop out move.
In the Limelight : Harapan Ong Interview
34 pages with photographs in detailed instructions.
If You haven't Check previous issues here is link for bundle
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