Seriously, I could watch these two for hours. They sparkle together just like Dan does with Simon
Lovell (I know Dan and Simon are friends from way back; if he and Brian are not long friends, they
definitely are now).
Brian's lecture cleanly divides into three parts: first he goes
through his stage show, cleanly explaining the how and most interestingly the why of his routines.
The second section is a best of Scam School (which you could arguably get free from watching all the
episodes on YouTube, but it's nice to have this review). Finally an interview with Dan that is
among the best I've seen here at Penguin.
6 of 8 magicians found this helpful.
Q: What's better than getting a photograph of the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot and a chupacabra
having tea?
A:This lecture!
Disclaimer: I'm a big fan of Brian and his work, but hey
that's why I got the lecture. If you are looking for the newest finger flicking moves and tricks you
will not find them here. Instead, you will receive the knowledge from one of the best working
professionals in the business.
The lecture has three basic parts and each will be
addressed below.
The Show:
Brian walks you through his entire stand-up show. He
explains the basics of fire eating, the mechanics of the human blackhead and tips some of the
methods to his pet routines. His test conditions mind reading routine Simpatico is has been honed
and crafted from the past 15 years. He does tip the method but learning the how and why of is
development are the real gold here. Brian talks about his books test which is my favorite book test
hands down. It uses well know books, theirs no controlled word selection process, and you don't fish
for words. The method is diabolical and the future of this tool will be amazing.
Forget all of
that. The tricks aren't important. Brin talks about his view and philosophy on magic. He talks about
the why. Why does he structure his show the way it is? Why is that structure successful? This why
combines with Brian's awesome sense of humor makes this part of the lecture fun to watch!
Scam School:
Brin shares his favorite scams from his hit show scam school. He entertains for
20 minutes with a box of matches. A BOX OF MATCHES! He shares a mind-reading stunt which I abandoned
because of trouble with Google technology but Brian shares this jem and it now can be done better
than ever, Combine this with the drinks you can get from this material and you are sitting on a
mountain of free beer (not literally because that would ruin the beer)
The Stories:
This was my favorite part of the lecture. Brian and Dan were hilarious. As a side note, WE NEED
TO GET DAN HARLAN ON SCAM SCHOOL! The stories were funny, entertaining and I didn't want this part
of the lecture to end.
Overall, this lecture event was fun to watch, informative, thought
inspiring. If you want to have a great time on Penguin LIVE look no further than this lecture.
6 of 9 magicians found this helpful.
Let me be honest. I will probably never use any of this. I don't eat fire, hammer nails in my face,
or cut my tongue out. And you know what.....I don't care. Brian Brushwood is one of the best
performers to ever live. If you watch this, you will learn a few tricks to impress your friends, but
it will also take your performance ability to the next level. Tears of laughter rolled down my face
as I listened to Brushwood's stories. YOU MUST BUY THIS!
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
This lecture is amazing. Not only will you learn some bar scams and neat tricks, you will learn how
his great book test and ESP experiment (Simpatico) works and the little details, yes you will have
to buy it from him to get the professional quality, but it's worth it. Get this lecture now because
you won't regret it!
2 of 2 magicians found this helpful.
Brian brushwood isnt the reason I got started in magic, but he is the reason I got any good at it.
As such you can imagine I've familiarized myself with the lion's share of what he does in magic. In
this lecture Brian shows you the most powerful routines and tricks in his real life touring stage
act that he was making a living off of even before he started with a certain YouTube series. He
gives you not only magic knowledge but also a little bit of practical special effects information
(for the magic). If you want something that doesn't deal t with cards and will work on stage along
with a lot of theory work (this is a pretty long lecture and it's all great) definitely drop the $,
it's a damn good investment.
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
He is as every bit as good as he is on Scam School. Very professional, very clear and very helpful.
A good instructor and a very entertainer magician. He appears to be a nice guy that he does on Scam
School and although some of the tricks he sells are very expensive, he does instruct you as to how
to make them. Good Penguin Live presentation.
Highly recommended.
2 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
Thank you, Brian and Penquin for this. Really enjoyed Brian's Lecture.
This had a lot of excellent material on it. I learned the basics of the blockhead act after only two
tries (could stick a whole Q-Tip "up" my nostril)!Of course, don't try this at home! I do plan on
taking a sideshow school class from H.N. next summer, of course, to learn in depth this and other
skills, safely! But, it does serve to get my feet wet, so to speak.
Hello Everyone,
Well, what is there to say. It's Brian Brushwood, Mr. Scam School himself.
He's like the Wizard of OZ and all I can think to say is LOINS AND TIGERS AND FIRE, OH MY.
Oh yea, and NAILS. And a ton of more cool teachings from Professor Marvel himself. I meant "THE
You're going to learn a lot from this guy. Enough Said.
I hope that this
helps you,
The Magic Doc
If you are a fan of Brian or even considered getting this than please do you won't regret it!