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Eclipse by Dave Loosley (Instant Download)

An ingenious gimmick makes this trick possible. You'll never leave home without it. START LEARNING INSTANTLY.
Price: $15.00
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This trick DESTROYS magicians.

Here's why:

1. A card is chosen from a BLUE pack AND SIGNED.
2. From your back pocket you pull out a RED prediction card with the words "MY PREDICTION" on it.
3. Even though it's clearly a different card, it's GOT THEIR SIGNATURE ON IT, and has the same value and is COMPLETELY EXAMINABLE!!!!!!

It's one of those time-travel-loophole thingies that gives you a headache if you think about it too long, which is exactly why nobody figures this one out.

PROFESSIONALS: Dave Loosely showed this to us and we were floored. Every magician we've shown has loved the method, and it's by far Dave's favorite utility gimmick. Literally unlimited tricks can be created with this concept. It works with almost any deck, and comes complete with MULTIPLE tricks.

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I love this! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 10th, 2016
This is a fantastic trick! These have got to be some of the best routines you could possibly show a spectator. Its taught really well. You'll especially appreciate his tips on card to pocket and the timed cut force. Its also really easy. Its so easy, you can easily be performing this trick within 5 minutes of learning it. You could make the gimmick the first time in under a minute and cut that time in half by the third or fourth time, although each gimmick should last you hundreds of performances (with just an occasional 2 second touch up every hundred performances.
That being said, Dave tried too hard to make this a new gimmick. The current gimmick is sort of reminiscent of a Piff the Magic Dragon idea, although a hundred times easier to make). He could've left out ALL of the cutting and the trick would have been identical, making the gimmick would take under 2 seconds, it would be far less detectable assuming the cards were in good condition (and even if they were in bad condition it would still not be more detectable as the routine prevents issues so well) etc. The only reason I could guess why he didn't is to make pretend he had invented a new gimmick when in reality the core idea for the gimmick is about four hundred years old if I remember my magic history correctly.
That one gripe aside, these tricks really are phenomenal, every one of them. I really like the idea for the smoke mark appearing on the back of the card that they signed and saw the back of.
You will need to figure out how to SUBTLY make sure they lock in their head that they saw the back of the card before it changes otherwise you might as well be doing the original version. The card to mouth idea he did in performance is a great way of doing that. Although it wasn't taught in the explanation, if you know it you should probably do it.
I was worried about this trick making a lot of noise in my pocket during performance. I've tried it a couple of times, its not noticeable and in the versions where he does the move in the open he explains how to cover the tiny amount of noise.

In summary:
Pros: Very, very strong magic
Multiple great tricks taught
Utility prop, so no limit to number of tricks that can be done with it.
Easy to make
Easy to perform
Virtually no angle issues
End completely clean (standard version)
2 second reset

Not a new gimmick
Will probably not fool magicians as advertised.

Being as those two cons don't actually matter in the big picture I say "Buy this trick, you'll love it, and more importantly, you'll use it."
9 of 9 magicians found this helpful.
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Not for the beginner Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 12th, 2016
This looks like real magic to the spectator!

Dave has a very likeable personality and he performs and explains this effect faultlessly. This includes how to construct a simple gimmick that makes several different effects possible. I say "Not for the beginner" because a sophisticated sleight, a far from easy force and some nifty card handling are necessary, as well as the gimmick. I am not a card specialist, but I suspect that there are easier ways to get effects which are close enough to what Dave achieves here, to impress most spectators.
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Simple gimmick with great results Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 10th, 2016
I'm not a card guy so I can't be certain, but I've never seen this gimmick used before. It is simple to make and use, but provides a great effect.

The base effect is you show a red backed card and place it in your back pocket. Then from a blue backed deck have a card "freely" selected and signed. They see the front and back of their card. It is replaced in the deck, you immediately go to your back pocket and remove the red backed card. It is turned over and not only matches their card it has their signature. You can leave the card with them and be reset in 2 seconds.

As good as that is, and you can see it several times in the trailer, there are 3 variations taught that I think are all stronger than that effect. Since the inventors didn't show it I won't give anything away, but can state that if you buy this because you like the trailer you will be extra happy when you get the download.

And for all of you red back only users, yes, you can make the gimmick out of either red or blue. Bikes work best, Bee might be tougher, other backs may work, you'll know right away what characteristic you need and if your favorite deck will work or not. But don't sweat it, buy it and give it a try.

There are a couple of sleights needed but they are taught on the video and you probably know them already. And you don't need one of them for 2 of the bonus effects so even if you get scared off in the beginning stick through it until the end.

There is also a little bit of arts and crafts required, but you probably have what you need and can do it in under 2 minutes (probably even under a minute once you've done it a couple times.)

It's 10 bucks. If you do anything with cards you can't go wrong. And I'll bet if you think about it you'll come up with your own variations with this gimmick

(I was given a copy of this for an honest review. And that's all I write - honest reviews from my viewpoint. YMMV)
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Missed the mark Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 17th, 2016
When I viewed the video I *thought* something looked, um, flashy. Sure enough I stopped the play at the proper moment and there it was. Won't go into detail, but this should be a 'heads up' that there are some vulnerable angles, even for an expert pro like Dave.

As well, I found myself asking, "Why is cutting down the gimmick necessary when everything could be done with no trim at all?" There is some 'handling' that Dave's gimmick allows however it is equally simple to perform with a full size gaffus.

With all the caveats aside, the signed-card-in-pocket is clever, easy, and it kills. Still a good investment for a worker.
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Fun gimmick Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 11th, 2016
Call me old school, but I'm not a huge fan of over-proving or magician fooling. Don't get me wrong now, it's just that, I don't get hired to do paid shows for magicians. When I booked to perform, it's usually for groups that haven't seen magic before. It's for groups that don't know the difference between a gimmick that took ten minutes to make, or a double lift.

Eclipse is a neat gimmick, that will take about ten minutes to make. But honestly, you could accomplish the same thing with some pretty basic sleight of hand.

That's not to say that the gimmick isn't clever... it is. And it will do it's job well. But you may not want to be bothered to make a gimmick and add it to your deck for a gig if you're able to pull off the same effect (basically) without it. With that said, there are probably some magicians that could really benefit by using Eclipse:

1. If you're just starting out in sleight of hand, and don't have a solid double lift and/or color change under your belt, you can use Eclipse to do some pretty cool things without a ton of practice (but keep in mind, you'll still need to know a basic sleight used in most card to pocket type effects).

2. If you are known as the no-gimmicks move monkey at your magic club, and you want to use a gimmick to take the room by surprise, Eclipse will work. The gimmick gives you the ability to do an extra show of the signed card that would be very difficult (but not impossible) to do with sleight of hand. This extra-clean show may throw magicians off the trail. However, as I noted above, I doubt very much that a lay audience would pick up on the difference.

I did find Mr Loosley's thinking on the Anniversary Waltz interesting and novel; but again, probably nothing I would bother using. His use of the Eclipse gimmick here cleans up a moment that has never given me problems.

I agree with Vernon that you should never stop thinking about how to improve an effect. However, I also believe that you have to consider the efficiency of method in relation to the added impact that method provides.

In short, Eclipse is a wonderful solution to a problem that doesn't really exist. A fun toy, and a way to fool your magician friends, but not a worker.
4 of 4 magicians found this helpful.
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Elipse card transportation Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 11th, 2016
What Dave has done with this simple but very, very ingenuous gimick, is just brilliant..
When you buy this, and you should buy this. You are given a great instructional video, well shot with live performances and different routines.
Being in Australia we have different stock here to what most of you might have, but with a bit of careful looking around at a major stationary store, I was able to buy the necessary stuff to make the gimick work well.
I have played around with it, and have put it in to my ambitious card routine and have also used Dave's opener routine with great responses, and thats what we want! my magic friends.
So with all that in mind I have really enjoyed toying with this effect and highly recommend it.
4 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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Low-tech gimmick, high-tech effect Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 10th, 2016
This reminds me of Fax by Loki Kross, except it's all legitimate!
The participant can keep the card at the end and the gimmick is easy to make.
I think some of the routining could be a bit stronger (e.g. asking someone to think of any card, not naming it, then having them pick one from a deck...) but you get a few different ones and a nice force too.
For the money this is great.
I like to have a quick card magic set that can mostly be done with a normal deck (minimal gimmicks) and this fits right in.
4 of 5 magicians found this helpful.
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You Gotta Love this Gimmick Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 10th, 2016
The gimmick alone is worth more than the price of the trick. I can think of a dozen ways to use the gimmick. Nice part is that it is so easy to make. There's a couple of easy slights involved but Dave's explanation in the video leaves nothing out. Every move is explained in detail. The effect of this trick is a jaw dropper just like the trailer shows. There are two more variations of the basic trick also explained in the video. This one goes to the top of my stack.
3 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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Disappointed...... this thing creates problems Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on January 10th, 2017
I give this 2 stars because of the teaching and because for beginners in card magic there might be some interesting things in the video. But for the gimmick and the advertisement, I am heavily disappointed for a number of reasons:

1. The gimmick is nothing new at all. In fact, and this has been stated by another reviewer, it is very old and just cutting sth off (reason unknown) doesn'take it new or fool people more

2. All tricks shown here could just as well be performed without a gimmick, or with the original gimmick (which can be left in the deck without a risk of being discovered). In fact, this is just a comfort gimmick and doesn't change the effect or it's visuality by any means.

3. The gimmick obliges one to palm sth away at some point. So this "new gimmick" adds problems to the original gimmick. That's right: it doesn't solve problems, it adds problems!

4. The teaching is good (except for the palming which I find terrible) but just doesn't take into account decades of developments in card magic. It felt a bit like meeting someone who proudly shows you a wooden hexagon and claims (with a big smile) that he invented the wheel....
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Nice Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 16th, 2016
This is a nice effect. Now, two things straight up. One, I'm a mentalist not a magician. Two, I received this as a review copy in return for an honest review, which I will now give.
The effect is a new, as far as I'm aware, adaptation of a fairly old principle in card magic. That said, it works well, is well thought out and, if you like the trailer that's pretty much what you'll be doing after watching this. There is some construction but it's quick and easy to do. The teaching is clear and easy to follow and Dave is a nice guy. Will I use it? Probably not but then I'm not a magician (though, having said that, I am playing with a couple of applications of the idea in a mentalism routine so you never know). It is easy to perform with basic card ability and should pose no problems if you can hold a deck and do basic sleights. Do I think it is worth The money? Yes, and if you like the effect I don't think you'll be disappointed.
2 of 3 magicians found this helpful.
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