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Winter Spirit trick Keith Lack

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Here is a stunning piece of performance magic with a winter theme just in time for those holiday gatherings.  Several people are asked to write down the first thing that comes to mind when they think of winter on a slip of paper.  A spectator is selected and asked to collect the offerings and hand them to the magi.  He mixes the slips and asks the spectator to select one and read it out loud to the group.  The phrase "Winter Spirit" is called out by the spectator.  The magi then takes a champagne or ice bucket from a nearby table and places it in the center of the spectators.  All are encouraged to gather around the icy water.The magi tells the following story.  "That could mean two different things.  One, it could mean the feeling one gets during winter and the holidays.  The spirit of it all and so on.  Or two, it could literally mean a spirit.  The actual spirit of winter.  As I am a magi and spirits are my business so to speak, I think it the more interesting interpretation and  I know a little bit about this subject as well.  So, let me run with this and see where it takes us.  You see, the four seasons are as different as the spirits that rule them.  The winter spirit is the bolder of the group and if it were not for the others she would have covered the world in frost for all eternity.  Fortunately the three other spirits will not stand for this and keep a tight rein on winter.  She is only allowed to rule three months out of the year and then must be gone by the first day of spring.  If she fails to do so, then Summer steps in and helps Spring heat things up a bit.  When this happens, Winter melts away into a helpless slushy puddle much like this container of ice and water before us.  You see, this is winter in her less powerful form.  Just slush really.  Yet, there is still a spark of her power here.  I can feel her.  Her cold chilly touch reaches out even from the icy water.  Lets try something here.  Right now.  A little trip into the strange.  Please quietly move in closer around the container.  I think I know a spell that might reveal a glimpse of lady winter.  Please be quiet and look closely at the icy water.  If this works she will only manifest herself for a moment".  After a bit of deep breathing, the performer reaches down into the slushy water and cups his hands, gathering ice and water in them as he goes.  Slowly, an eerie transparent woman's face peers out through the icy water in his cupped hands.  She appears to have been molded from the ice and water in exquisite detail.  She has appeared from nowhere.  "Ladies and gentlemen, meet lady winter".  And just as suddenly as she had appeared, she is gone without a trace.  The ice bucket/container can be inspected at length before and after, no trace of anything but icy water will be found.  Lady Winter is gone till the next time. 

This also includes a bonus routine "The Lady in the Lake".  A very well thought out routine around the King Arthur legend.These are quite beautiful and startling effects.  They can be preformed in any setting where you have a water source.

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