> Perfect Square COMPLETE by JB Dumas and Michael Lam

Perfect Square is almost perfect.. Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on October 13th, 2017
I saw Greg Wilson perform "Rubicon" at a convention recently and I was baffled, giddy and excited. But then heartbroken by the high price. I have never been able to solve a Rubik's cube and rarely even played with them but my genius daughter not only solves them, but learned the algorithms and can apply them to all other forms of turning puzzles. So I wanted to buy this trick to basically WOW her with something clearly magical since she knows I can't actually solve them. Along came Dumas and Lam with their version of virtually the same effect at 1/3rd the price and it's WORTH EVERY PENNY. I ordered the two other regular cubes you need to perform this effect so I have not yet actually practiced much less performed, but the technique is clearly explained and familiar in the sense that misdirection is key. Technically it's 6 mini reveals (since against all possible odds you manage to get the spectators genuinely mixed up cube to match your mixed up cube) followed by the enormous whammy closer of SOLVING your mixed up cube...with ONE HAND if you choose. Again, you do NOT need to know how to actually solve a cube; Dumas teaches an incredible technique that is actually like a mechanical illusion that allows for a dingbat like me to "solve" a regular "mixed-up" puzzle. GET this trick if cubes and puzzles are your thing. It's beautiful, interactive and extremely clever.

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Nov 07th 2017 9:57pm
And where, pray tell, does Dumbass, I mean Dumas, or Lam(e) teach this "incredible" technique to solve a cube? Hmmm?

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