Wow, what a find. Has this ever happened to you - you watch a video demonstrating an amazing card
effect, you buy in and then realize that the slight involved in more complex than you expected, the
video cut out integral parts that if you had seen them you would not have made the purchase, you
could not repeat it immediately for the same spectators … With Pocket Daydream what you see is what
you get. No cuts, no sophisticated sleights or moves to learn, use your deck or a borrowed one,
spectator shuffles, there are no forces and you will be doing this minutes after you learn it - I
did. I read some of the comments that people made on the first review and you are not totally wrong,
this is based on an an old effect from Tarbell with a few modifications. I think Harry did a fine
job and don’t forget the primary reason you buy these effects is to fool and entertain your
spectators not necessarily other Magicians. Would it be a better buy at half the price - sure, $10
is a little much for this but I look at this as an investment.