This is a great full routine that will require practice but is not out of the realm of novice. Will
require some audience management skill as well. That said, Kurtis teaches the effect for close up
and parlor/stage.
You can learn so much about coin handling by watching him in action even
if he does not state what he is doing or why...For example, the way he holds the coins at his finger
tips and interacts with the audience.
What comes in the box
1. Glass
(approximately 3 inches tall, 3 inches wide at top and 2 inches at base)
2. Large Brass and
Black Chinese Coin 2 ½ inch diameter
3. Half dollar and matching sh***
4. Copper Penny (half
dollar size)
5. Blue and Brass Chinese Coin (half dollar size)
6. Black and Brass Chinese
Coin (half dollar size)
Link to instructions
Kurtis suggests using a dollar sized
set of coins which are not included but which may be in the possession of magicians who already do
coin magic.
There is added value in learning how to make the "clink" coin sound as the coin
travels to the pocket from the glass.
If you are looking for a "routine" to practice that
will involve the audience and participants and witness magic with "everyday" objects, this is a very
good one.