I’m thankful Penguin allowed customers to view the explanation prior to purchasing the app. The
method the app incorporates for this is clever…but it is not for everyone. I don’t want to give the
method away, but I will advise that you watch the explanation prior to purchasing. Aside from the
method not being something I can or would use, (so the app isn’t for me, personally), there are a
couple of minor reasons why this isn’t for me. I think certain presentations taught wouldn’t work
with the wrong timing or in a particularly distracting environment; as the spectator could possibly
get ahead of the magician here. It requires some memory, and certain uses will require being able to
track your spectator’s actions by means other than sight when not looking at what they’re doing. And
the problem with apps is always that they never truly seem “fair” to the spectator(s), because,
well…they’re apps. I think that takes away from the impact of the trick.
It’s clever, but not
above suspicion, (which kind of ruins the impact), and definitely not for everyone. Three stars for
being clever and on the right track…two stars off for the limitations that narrow who can/would use