Yeah so angles are really bad, I mean really battle, like not 260 or even 180 where you can't go
behind the magician, but like 20 degrees for the angle.
It's basically a webcam only magic
where you do in front of a camera. expect its advertised as like walk around! He literally says you
can do it like walking up to a group of friends, but you can't due to the angles it has to be like
one and one (like in front of a camera with still lots of practice to make sure your angles don't
In the video it does show the side angles, but its shot in the dark so you cant see
the sides, and unless you have a $1000 lighting system and a cameras to preform this trick it won't
be worth your time.
I don't recommend ;earning or buying this trick. I mean I am lazy
writing review, but this trick is so bad hoping this review wills help people from wasting their
time with it, or at least knowing what to expect.