Well, there are a few things: the good ones is that the artwork is superb, in that by re-doing the
Rider-Waite cards now they really stand out and look great!Cardstock is good, carrying case is good,
etc. The medium: the markings are, in fact, hard to see by me (with glasses) - the marking system is
brilliant (imo) and would never be spotted by a layperson, or perhaps even another magician! And
some have said that the marking system doesn't follow any "rules" to make it easy to remember -
well, suck it up, that's what makes it good! And the not-so-good: the routine (5 card matching) has
been seen before, and while his thinking on it is nice, you might as well apply any other method (to
do that part) that you already know. And, more importantly, the "readings" portion doesn't seem to
follow any logic (to me), like it was designed for magicians who do not want to shoulder the
responsibility of actually doing a reading - so this becomes a magic trick, disguised as a reading.
Any real reader may find the routine convoluted and simply like the trick part, and any newbie might
like the trick part and not the reading part.