The Haunted Key is difficult, and easy...depending upon how you work at it. Variations in placement
can be 'key' so experiment. If you find that one placement-of the key in your hand-does not work
well, for you, try another placement...backwards, upside down, or whatever, from what the
instructions suggest. Find what works for you, and stick with it. Once you get the hang of the
effect, it amazes those who see it. You can perform close up, fully surrounded, with little
practice, and repeat as often as you wish with instant reset. Pass the key around, to be examined,
and the secret will go undetected. Use to demonstrate PK ability, or to prove the existance of a
spirit helper, or figure out your own approach. This trick offers high effect for low price, and
spooks adults as well as children. Pull it on a mystically inclined female-into Witchcraft, Tarot,
etc-and enjoy the results