First off, I would like to thank Rick for releasing this effect. I had nothing but a smile on my
face while watching this video, especially when Rick discusses the history of the trick and the
overall method. The method itself is quite good, however I must say that I was a little disappointed
that Rick never discusses how to get in to the trick from a walk around stand point. I know this
isn't the case because I have been doing magic for several years, but for a beginner picking this
effect up is kind of like doing a coins across routine without knowing any coin sleights... It is
never discussed how to bring the gimmick into play, whether or not the gimmick can be stored in the
box with the other cards, and if it can be kept in the box, exactly what you need to do to prepare
for the effect and bring the gimmick into play in the simplest way possible. Like I previously
stated, these questions weren't hard for me to answer, but from an objective standpoint looking at
this video under the guise of a beginner, those were just a couple of questions I feel should have
been addressed. Overall though, I'm very happy with this trick and will definitely use it in the
Thanks a ton Rick!