Where's an article on self building??? Tricks are amazing this magazine (great selection this time
around guys) but I was used to a corporate fellow speaking out in an article on how to get better
gigs, or an idea on how to use the environment more creatively when you perform. For context, the
issues where the articles were just PURE GOLD in terms of priceless information were your January,
May, August, and November 2016 issues. I reread them REGULARLY, and they are the issues that stay in
my bookshelf and I cherish them proudly.
I will test out the fun tricks at the Magic
Castle (ha) and this April 2017 issue will make it into my library because, again, the tricks are
REALLY GOOD this issue...but please consider putting just 1 article in on how to get more gigs, or
what builds a STRONGER character...something to that nature. I just need one as I love love love to
read another magicians viewpoint of someone who truly truly cares about others...I miss it. :c
Anyway, keep up the good work Penguin, I know you work damn hard everyday!(...especially that
one Girspiggy dude with over 2000 karma, hahaha)