Poker Tells DYI by Devin Knight eBook DOWNLOAD Effect: The performer states that some card players seem to have psychic ability. These card players can correctly sense the cards in an opponent's hand. The performer says he would like to try an experiment to see if a participant has this ability to detect playing cards sight unseen. He shows four
In stock. $5.00
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EXCALIBUR DECK PDF by Devin Knight - ebook DOWNLOAD The performer shows a deck of cards freely and has a participant deal the cards face down, stopping anywhere he wishes. The cards before and after the card at which he stopped are shown to be different. If the participant had dealt one card more or stopped one card sooner, a different card would hav
In stock. $6.00
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Excalibur Deck (BLUE) by Devin Knight - Trick Make impossible card predictions with Devin Knight's Excalibur Deck! Mail a VIP a registered letter and never touch it again! Have him bring it to the show. Show the deck of cards to be different and hand them to any spectator (no stooge). Have him deal the cards face down on the table, while holdin
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.25
Far Sight by Devin Knight - Trick One of Devin Knight's most guarded secrets from his professional act is now being made available. A truly long distance, hands-off mental card effect that seems totally impossible. An effect that not only baffles lay people but many magicians as well. Performer invites anyone to help. He says he wil
Out of stock. $29.95 $23.96
A Knight of Magic Devin Knight's 2009 Lecture Tour Notes - Books The lecture notes from Devin Knight's 2009 tour. More than a set of lecture notes this is almost a complete book in itself! Features mind-boggling effects including cards and mentalism. Effects that fooled the majority of magicians in attendance. These notes also contain directions for some of Devin
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.55
Excalibur Deck (RED) by Devin Knight - Trick Make impossible card predictions with Devin Knight's Excalibur Deck! Mail a VIP a registered letter and never touch it again! Have him bring it to the show. Show the deck of cards to be different and hand them to any spectator (no stooge). Have him deal the cards face down on the table, while holdin
Out of stock. $15.00 $11.25
Auto Spell Deck by Devin Knight - Trick Effect: The performer shows a deck of cards to be well mixed while removing the two Jokers from the deck. He hands the deck to a participant to cut as many times as he likes. The performer tells the participant to stop cutting anytime he likes and that the top card of the deck will be his selected c
Out of stock. $25.00
Card Sight by Devin Knight - Trick #12 In Devin Knight's Psychic Sight SeriesHere is a different approach to the classic Out Of This World effect. It does away with stacked decks and having to change the color of the indicator card in the middle of the deal. The participants can shuffle the deck before the effect begins. Effect:The p
Out of stock. $29.95 $22.46
Auto Spell Deck (Jumbo) by Devin Knight - Trick This best-selling effect is now available in Jumbo Deck size making it perfect for stage. Effect: The performer shows a jumbo deck of cards to be well mixed while removing the two Jokers from the deck. He hands the deck to a participant to cut as many times as he likes. The performer tells the parti
Out of stock. $30.00 $23.10
Poker Nightmare by Devin Knight - Trick POKER NIGHTMARE TWO TRICKS IN ONE! These are two of the most visual and eye-appealing tricks you can do. Looks like trick photography and takes around 30 seconds to perform. They are almost self-working and require no sleights. You can learn to do these effects in about five minutes. They are that e
Out of stock. $24.00
Novel Effects with a Gumball Machine by Devin Knight - eBook DOWNLOAD This is one of the most novel ways ever devised for doing both mental and card effects. Devin Knight shows you how to buy a gumball machine bank and gimmick it in a few minutes to allow for some of the most baffling poker demonstrations and card effects ever devised. These are regular gumball banks
In stock. $18.00
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Thumb fun Sid Lorraine and Devin Knight - Trick This was one of Sid Lorraine's most popular tricks. It has been off the market for more than 40 years. Devin Knight obtained permission from the Abbott Magic Company to release this again and to update the original directions. How good is this effect? Well, it was one of the late Doug Henning's favo
Out of stock. $19.95
Peking Revelation by Sid Lorraine & Devin Knight - Trick Multiple card revelations are very popular nowadays, but many of them require a lot skill to do the revelations. Comedy Peking Revelation allows you to reveal five playing cards with NO SKILL and in a very amusing manner.One person cuts the deck and removes five cards, or five people can each take a
Out of stock. $14.95 $11.66
Psychic Card Revelations by Devin Knight eBook DOWNLOAD Effect: Two people each select a card. The performer then shuffles the deck by giving it a riffle shuffle. The spectators take the deck and return the cards with the deck in their own hands in such a manner that there can be no suspicion of trickery. The two cards are not forced. The performer now s
In stock. $8.00
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