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Derren Brown, Andy Nyman, Dynamo, Luke Jermay, Wayne Dobson and David Berglas

In 2 weeks, Penguin Magic will be filming a series of Penguin LIVE events you won't believe. I didn't at first.

Derren Brown, Andy Nyman, Dynamo, Luke Jermay, Wayne Dobson and David Berglas

Six exceptional people. So exceptional in fact, that these are going to be a little different.

1. Understandably, these legends cannot travel to us, so we are going to them.
2. Due to their schedules and locations, we will not be able to broadcast these events live.
3. They're going to be broadcast one-by-one, starting when we return.
4. However, we'll STILL be collecting your questions!

Here's how you can participate:

STEP ONE: Write your questions below! Ask as many as you like! Just be specific who you are directing them to, and include your name if you want it to be read.

STEP TWO: Vote on OTHER PEOPLES' questions that you like! It will seriously help find the questions YOU want to hear.

We'll be reviewing these pages carefully right up until the morning of November 4th.

Asked at 08:18pm on October 27th, 2014 by acar (120 karma)
144 Answers
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For Derren:

What are the top three effects you perform when you're out and about with friends or at parties (assuming you have friends and go to parties)?

Answered at 08:30am on October 28th, 2014 by Exitmat (47 karma)
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For Derrren:

What aspects need to be in place, in order to mix magic and mentalism so that it doesn't all seem to blur together as "clever tricks". How do you separate the mentalism from the magic?

Answered at 05:13am on October 28th, 2014 by MatthewSims (85 karma)
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To Derren:
What technique do you use for obtaining information before show? Impression pad, tear, switch, peek or something else?

Also, how you ensuring that subjects won't "speak" afterwards in this kind of dual reality situation (your Lift routine or Reminiscence)?

Answered at 05:33am on October 28th, 2014 by UlrichVonEtzenbach (30 karma)
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to Derren
watching your performances recently has gotten me very interested in psychological forcing. are there any tips you would be willing to share and/or books that you think you steer those of us interested in the right direction?

Answered at 09:24am on October 28th, 2014 by porchhonky (38 karma)
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For Luke, Derren and Andy:

Which NON-magic book would you say has been the most influential on your magic/performances?

Answered at 09:20am on October 28th, 2014 by Popchris (208 karma)
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For Andy:

From Matthew Sims: What are some no BS books that would be useful for performers on acting, and how to construct scripts that show character development?

Answered at 04:19am on October 28th, 2014 by MatthewSims (85 karma)
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For Derren:

From Matthew Sims: Where do you find the inspiration for creating new ideas and stories for close up mentalism?

Answered at 04:09am on October 28th, 2014 by MatthewSims (85 karma)
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For Derren:

Will you do any more books or DVDs specifically for magicians or mentalists?

Are there any TV specials/Series or live shows in the making at the moment?

Was your stand up to cancer trick more magic or psychology?

Also, I think you are absolutely brilliant.


Answered at 11:48am on October 28th, 2014 by Joeblerone (15 karma)
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for Derren

what's you favorite way to get a thought into someone's mind

Answered at 03:23pm on October 28th, 2014 by ilivemagic (29 karma)
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To Derren, Andy Nyman, Luke Jermay and Berglas:
In Corinda's 13 steps there is a conversation with Fogel saying how you should not perform mentalism when you are young since being older gives it more credibility (you seem wiser). What is your point of view on this?

Answered at 12:02pm on October 28th, 2014 by danielwk (11 karma)
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To David Berglas
Do you know anyone who has figured out your Berglas Effect, ACAAN?

Answered at 09:40am on October 28th, 2014 by kisela (77 karma)
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To all,

What was the single best piece of advice you've received over the years (if you're willing to share)?


What for you was your crucible, what was your defining moment that made you the man/performer you are today? If you can pin it down to one moment/thing that is.

Answered at 09:17am on October 28th, 2014 by Mageri (11 karma)
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To Mr. Nyman. What sources outside of our art do you look to when creating a new effect, presentation etc? Also, what aspects of performance (if any) do you feel mentalists overlook when creating a show?

Answered at 05:10am on October 28th, 2014 by magictrickster121 (32 karma)
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To Derren,

What are your thoughts on the use of dual reality in a close up situation? Do you take any extra steps to deal with talking after you have left?


Answered at 04:52am on October 28th, 2014 by CharlesM (13 karma)
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My question is for Derren Brown and Andy Nyman:

I think that most people in this community can agree that the masterful way both of you blend magic, mentalism, theater, and storytelling is second to none. My question is about the creative process that each of you uses. Do you start with the idea for the inner workings of the effect or do you begin with the overall vision of what you want the finished product to be? What is the process of taking those ideas and creating the pieces that we see on stage (or on television)?

Thank you!

- Sebastian

PS Please come to America sometime!

Answered at 07:02pm on October 28th, 2014 by bizarreminds (10 karma)
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Can you say anything, even obliquely, as to how you ask people to change their minds over and over when, in reality, they are in fact selecting from options that are pre-determined (often by them)? Am I right in thinking that Kenton Kepper's work has influenced this scripting method?

Answered at 11:01am on October 28th, 2014 by NeilMcCauley95 (18 karma)
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To Derren,
It doesn't seem "the devils picturebook" is available for play in the USA region. Except for this Penguin lecture, which I'm sure will be great, do plan on coming out with any other instructional DVDs or books?

Answered at 09:39am on October 28th, 2014 by porchhonky (38 karma)
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Derren Brown:
What was your favourite stage show to write? What was your favourite show to perform? Why?

Answered at 07:13am on October 28th, 2014 by TheDarthHomer (-4 karma)
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To Derren:
Does it flatter you that newer mentalists are following in your footsteps and going with the whole "psychological" aspect? Or does it make you feel like you are just being copied? Any advice on how to create your own persona? -Dustin

Answered at 09:51pm on October 27th, 2014 by killdean232 (11 karma)
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To derren:

From jamie Kelly: could you possibly describe some of the ways you cover a 'miss' when performing routines that require more of a risk? I believe that risks should be taken and can greatly enhance any routine but always fear the possibility of it going completely wrong

Answered at 12:11pm on October 28th, 2014 by Jay_Kelly7 (12 karma)
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To Derren Brown: what is your method/phylosophy when combining magic with hypnosis?

Answered at 09:27am on October 28th, 2014 by fischer22juan (12 karma)
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For Luke:

From Matthew Sims: What is the process that you go through for script writing? Your scripts and presentations always seem to have a hook and draw people in.

Answered at 04:13am on October 28th, 2014 by MatthewSims (85 karma)
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Derren & Luke:
Invisible Compromise vs. Propless Mentalism?

Answered at 06:03pm on October 28th, 2014 by danyoung (18 karma)
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What do you do, or did you do in the past, when somebody correctlu and bluntly suggested the actual solution to an effect? For instance, say I have a utility device in my pocket. They say "Can I see in your pocket?" They don't know what is in there, but they suspect something dodgy is. Do you have any go-to lines for avoiding emptying your pockets that don't look like admissions of guilt? To merely say no often makes people feel they guessed correctly.

Answered at 11:04am on October 28th, 2014 by NeilMcCauley95 (18 karma)
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This is a question for both Mr. Berglas and Mr. Brown. You have both in the past performed several stunning publicity stunts. My question is how do you make the most out of these events and gain the most publicity possible?

Answered at 05:06am on October 28th, 2014 by magictrickster121 (32 karma)
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To Derren Brown, Andy Nyman:
What is for you preshow? How to do it for small audiences and without having other people doing it for you?

Answered at 01:06am on October 29th, 2014 by ginopilotino (7 karma)
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For Derren:

From Matthew Sims:

In magic, much emphasis is directed towards the props to entice wonder and mystery. How do you feel about this in regards to mentalism? Should emphasis be drawn TOWARDS or AWAY from the props (envelopes, billets, colored die, etc.)

If so, how do you disconnect from the props and make them invisible while focusing on the experience at large?

Answered at 06:33am on October 28th, 2014 by MatthewSims (85 karma)
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For David Berglas, would you please talk about your practice of "going to more trouble than anyone could imagine to achieve anveffect."

Answered at 05:37pm on October 28th, 2014 by KevinBurke (5 karma)
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For Andy

Is there a specific routine or type of routine that you enjoy performing more over others? If so, why?
-Adam Kordecki

Answered at 03:22pm on October 28th, 2014 by Vultdecipi (-2 karma)
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To Everyone,

A large part of your success is determined by effective publicity and marketing of your performances. What suggestions would you have regarding effective marketing and publicity? What are some of the more effective strategies you've used to better market yourself and become more visible to potential clients/audiences?

Answered at 01:00pm on October 28th, 2014 by NewmDoc (31 karma)
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Luke Jermay - I've heard you mention in some interviews that it is necessary for magicians to find a place "to be bad at". In the past this used to be comedy clubs where there were openings for standup shows. Are there any other particular places or environments your recommend?

Answered at 12:41pm on October 28th, 2014 by cfontecha (5 karma)
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To Derren, Andy, and Luke,

Your careers have dealt with presenting magic and mentalism over different mediums such as close-up, stage, television, and radio. How do these mediums impact your performance? What different approaches do you take to creating magic for each medium? What are some of the pros and cons of each? And finally, what are some suggestions to jump from one medium to another (stage to television, close-up to stage, etc.)?

Answered at 12:15pm on October 28th, 2014 by NewmDoc (31 karma)
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To all of them:

Where do you find ideas not connected with magic for your work?

Which books or movies do you recommend for looking to inspiration?

Answered at 07:49am on October 28th, 2014 by vito_gattullo (5 karma)
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To Mr. Berglas.
What conditions do you believe to be most important when performing legendary effects such as your ACAAN. Presentation? Apparent fairness? Setting? Or a combination of these and others?

Answered at 05:03am on October 28th, 2014 by magictrickster121 (32 karma)
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To Luke Jermay and Derren Brown,

Could you elaborate on your cold reading systems and techniques? How do you approach a reading? What do you to ensure that the reading has accuracy and "weight," and how do you recover from negative or "wrong" statements? What sources would you recommend to better develop one's ability to produce readings accurately?

Answered at 01:13pm on October 29th, 2014 by NewmDoc (31 karma)
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Dan Young here...
You obviously rose to fame due to your "psychological" methods, be it suggestion and otherwise. Yet, lately, you have only really performed "normal" (albeit, great, mentalism). So have you actively moved away from the more verbal, suggestion based, mentalism? And if so, why?

Answered at 05:37pm on October 28th, 2014 by danyoung (18 karma)
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For Luke, you were very young when you started coming up with some of the ground breaking material, that many still perform including me, found in Seven Deceptions. What do you feel someone with the gift/curse of young age, who truly aspires to create unique show experiences should do to be noticed in such a huge market?

What question do you feel everyone asks, what question do you feel no one asks and what question do you still wish someone would ask you? All obviously apply to the mystery arts, but please if there is anything outside the arts then I'd love to hear that too.

For Derren, what are the quintessential techniques that you feel an aspiring hypnotist should know? How important do you think it is that aspiring mentalists and magicians learn the techniques you outlined in the last question as well as apply them directly to their work?

I've lived by the idea that people in the end don't remember most about you except for how you made them feel, which I feel that making people feel great is one of your best skills as a performer. How do you go about structuring that into your performances and what do you believe really touches people in profound emotional ways both inside as well as outside the art?

For Andy, if you could condense what truly great theatrical staging and performance down to a one or two word understanding then what would the word or words be?

Answered at 05:27pm on October 28th, 2014 by Shmitty336 (5 karma)
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To Luke, Andy, and Derren,

A good number of your effects and shows incorporate a strong narrative and/or theme. How do you go about creating a narrative or theme for an effect? Does the effect and/or method come first, and then build a story around it, or does the story come out first and the effect is made to match it after? How important do you think story-telling/narrative/conflict is to a singular effect? Does having things like a narrative and theme prevent a show from turning into just a "string of tricks?"

Answered at 12:45pm on October 28th, 2014 by NewmDoc (31 karma)
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To Derren and Andy,

Are there any non-magic sources that you incorporate into the creation of your effects? I know Derren used his take on a selective attention test for the gorilla bit in "Evening of Wonders," or change-blindness in "trick of the mind" (among countless others) and I'm wondering how many (if any at all) sources from psychological or mathematical studies are incorporated into your creation of effects. Also, should one want to look deeper into these areas for inspiration, where would be a good place to start to become more familiar with some of these sources?

Answered at 12:21pm on October 28th, 2014 by NewmDoc (31 karma)
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To Derren Brown:
Would you like to share your insights about guessing the coin in someones hand (considering you're not using a gimmick to detect it).
We'd love to know all the insights and subtleties going behind such routine.
I'm sure learning your methodology on such simple routine would give us ideas about how to approach similar routines where you take some risk.

Answered at 11:22am on October 28th, 2014 by tolgaozuygur (4 karma)
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To everyone. Who influenced you the most and why? Who inspires you the most and why? And who best embodies what you are trying to achieve in your performances?

Answered at 11:00am on October 28th, 2014 by Ziggzb (14 karma)
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To Dynamo,

I know that for a lot of people in entertainment YouTube has been a real game changer, and, of course, Itunes was very disruptive to the music industry. Has the digital age affected magic?

Answered at 08:39am on October 28th, 2014 by za1996 (4 karma)
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For Derren:

From Matthew Sims:

I've noticed that you often times write your scripts and presentations with a reference to history. Examples...

"In the 1930s there was a man by the name of..."

"There was a famous experiment done in..."

Is there a specific reason for writing in this manner, such as accomplishing things such as credibility, belief, etc?

Answered at 06:51am on October 28th, 2014 by MatthewSims (85 karma)
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To everyone: what do you consider to be the perfect effect? What have you create that comes the closest? What have others created that comes closest?

Answered at 09:07am on October 29th, 2014 by Sarahk (92 karma)
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For Derren:

What's the best method for psychological forces? Do you employ some form of ericksonian's interspersal technique to help influence people? Do you think is of any use?

Answered at 02:10am on October 29th, 2014 by AllenM (3 karma)
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Andy Nyman:

You proved high levels of creativity through writing for Derren and your play "Ghost Stories".

Do you recommend any shows/movies/novels/books that would help enhancing the creativity of an individual?

Answered at 06:24pm on October 28th, 2014 by Basem (3 karma)
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To Wayne:
(from Dan, of Cannabis "fame". that story about your postman still cracks me up)
Have you found that with your disability that you look at magic differently. Not just the way that you would obviously have to reconsider the performance of it. But could you elaborate on your creative process more, as you obviously can't "go out and do it on the "streets (who does anyway). How do you work on your material?

Answered at 05:27pm on October 28th, 2014 by danyoung (18 karma)
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For Derren

Are there any routines that you perform, in a casual situation, that can be helpful and/or emotional for your volunteer?
-Adam Kordecki

Answered at 03:34pm on October 28th, 2014 by Vultdecipi (-2 karma)
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To Everyone,

What do you feel are the defining characteristics that separate the "amateur" magician from the "professional?" What suggestions would you have for someone who is looking to make the leap from amateur/semi-professional to professional, and better their skills as a performer?

Answered at 01:02pm on October 28th, 2014 by NewmDoc (31 karma)
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To david berglass. How would you recommend controlling the performance environment to best amplify the impact of your effects?

Answered at 10:56am on October 28th, 2014 by Ziggzb (14 karma)
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To Derren:

What would you say was the experience that changed you the most (in your magic related career) and what is your favourite TV show of yours ( not necessarily related to magic/mindreading) and your favourtie stage show.

Answered at 03:33am on October 28th, 2014 by sashacrespi (8 karma)
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For all:

If you were hired to perform for a president (or prime minister or royalty) and you could only perform one effect/trick what would it be and why?

Answered at 02:44am on April 30th, 2015 by Jeli (19 karma)
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In Absolute Magic you lay down you personal model for powerful close-up magic. With all the stage and TV work you have done since Absolute Magic, have you also captured a model of stage performance? How about TV? Could we, perhaps, expect Absolute Stage Magic? -gmadrigal

Answered at 10:45am on October 29th, 2014 by girspiggy (2431 karma)
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To Derren,

It seems you sparked the imagination of a new generation of mentalist in the UK, including Peter Turner, Atlas B, and Michael Murray. How do you feel the new upcoming mentalist are approaching the art? Have you seen any up and coming performers in the US?

Answered at 01:07am on October 29th, 2014 by gmadrigal (0 karma)
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For Luke Jermay -

As an outspoken skeptic and critic of people who claim psychic or supernatural abilities - can you shed some light on that stance in the light of your recent releases and work (specifically, things like Faith Healer), and why you've made the shift in persona?

Answered at 11:55pm on October 28th, 2014 by C_Damm (3 karma)
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To Derren:
Do you still talk to Steven from your Apocalypse episode and has he really gotten better as a person? - Sean Sotaridona (a.k.a. kisela) :D Thanks in Advanced! :D

Answered at 12:52pm on October 28th, 2014 by kisela (77 karma)
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What advice would you give to somebody that wants to go on TV? Who should you ask to? What did you do in the past?

Answered at 12:06pm on October 28th, 2014 by andrewflash (3 karma)
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To Derren:
Will you please teach your Lift routine now that you are no longer using it?. Thanks!

Answered at 10:04pm on October 27th, 2014 by kautilya (17 karma)
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To all

What do you think about the reality that big stars like Max Maven, Bob Cassidy and Richard Osterlind don't use disclaimers vs those who do? Would a disclaimer hinder or damage your performance in anyway? Can you elaborate on this?

Answered at 01:45pm on November 9th, 2014 by LordPoseidon (14 karma)
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For Luke Jermay

Should mentalism be presented like the real "psychic" thing or should it be like Pen and Teller "there's no psychic here, just a trickster, but you will have fun" kind of way? Can you elaborate on this?

Answered at 01:42pm on November 9th, 2014 by LordPoseidon (14 karma)
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For Luke

I've notice a shift in your performances from psychological to more psychic flavored pieces, or at least that's how I have percieved it. Is this change a response to something specific, or is it just an artistic choice? Can you elaborate on this?

Answered at 01:37pm on November 9th, 2014 by LordPoseidon (14 karma)
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To dynamo and derren: do you feel that the cameras have any impact on the effect, the audience, or their reactions? And what effects do you like, but can't be done for cameras.? Do you ever try to fit them into your specials anyway, and if so, how?

Answered at 09:01am on November 6th, 2014 by Sarahk (92 karma)
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Your work on suggestion has been inspirational to many yet, there isn't a lot available (at least to my knowledge) on the technique. Do you think you'll ever revisit this and possibly provide another offering on the subject? I.e. Additional Building Blocks perhaps...

Answered at 08:38pm on November 4th, 2014 by alwow1 (4 karma)
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Luke & Derren,

There are very few books that are soo strongly resonate with the magic & mentalism community yet and have such conflicting opinions on the same work as your books, Pure Effect, Absolute Magic, Seven Deceptions, & Building Blocks. What advice would you give the versions of you that wrote those books today?

Answered at 08:35pm on November 4th, 2014 by alwow1 (4 karma)
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To Derren,

In many of your routines you throw out an object such as a frisbee to select your audience to randomly select a participant. Has there ever been an instance in which the participant was "less than ideal" for the routine? If so, how did you handle the situation? If not, how would you?

Answered at 08:31pm on November 4th, 2014 by alwow1 (4 karma)
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To Derren,

You have a great ability of creating as Bob Cassidy would call major effects (to involve or potentially involving the entire audience) then transitioning to a more traditional minor effect (one on one) but, then often times drawing the majority of the audience back into the effect for the conclusion. Can you speak more on your creative process when structuring routines like these?

Answered at 08:21pm on November 4th, 2014 by alwow1 (4 karma)
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For Derren and Andy,

What possibly overlooked books on mentalism would you consider indispensable reading?


Answered at 08:04pm on November 3rd, 2014 by Aled723 (1 karma)
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For dynamo and derren

when you preform magic on the streets for your TV stuff how do you approach people and how/when do you ask for there permission to use them in the show.Also how many tricks do you do for one group of people on the street.

from Ben E.

Answered at 04:39pm on October 31st, 2014 by ilivemagic (29 karma)
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For Derren, Andy, and Luke,

It seems your shows all have different themes. Derren's show becomes quite personal, almost sharing a life story; Andy's show has been extremely entertaining; Luke's show centers around personal prediction and even the paranormal. How do you find the themes for your shows? How is it different from your shows back then when you just started? What's the path you've taken til today for the construction of a show?


Answered at 09:46pm on October 30th, 2014 by mikelsc (1 karma)
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To all:
Have you ever performed in either a casual setting, stage or anywhere else and got disturbed by hecklers? If so, how do you handle them? Thank you.

Answered at 09:43pm on October 30th, 2014 by VinceTN (1 karma)
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To Derren and Luke Jermay
How Do you structure the routining of a show. Like how do you determine what routine goes where in the show?

Answered at 11:37am on October 30th, 2014 by theamazingfoti (1 karma)
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To Dynamo:
If I had to do only 5 tricks for street magic, none including the invisible deck, or a hand sandwich, what would you suggest that get the best reactions?

Answered at 04:31pm on October 29th, 2014 by Chris_Spades (11 karma)
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To dynamo: do you ever feel as though people overreact to an effect, possibly because TV magic has created an impression of people screaming and yelling? Also who are your favorite creators?

Answered at 09:10am on October 29th, 2014 by Sarahk (92 karma)
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Derren Brown / David Berglas -

As pinnacles of the craft of mentalism, you have both achieved remarkable levels of fame and renown. As you have become so well known for what you both do, do you feel you must "live the persona", even when not performing? Does the persona have to become part of your everyday life, or can you separate from it, while still maintaining the level of believability you have worked to achieve on-stage?

Answered at 12:01am on October 29th, 2014 by C_Damm (3 karma)
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For David Berglas, how did go about creating the persona of the International Man of Mystery? For example, you never seem to smile in public photographs. What else do you do along these lines to maintain your persona?

Answered at 05:41pm on October 28th, 2014 by KevinBurke (5 karma)
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David Berglas:
If you could give some advice, as someone who has been on telly a lot, what advice would you give people in a similar situation, or who are striving to do the same thing? And no doubt part of your success was your distinct persona, did you develop it, or did it come natural? could you elaborate on the process of developing a persona, as it were?

Answered at 05:35pm on October 28th, 2014 by danyoung (18 karma)
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Dan from Dav's here.
Theoretically, how do you live up to the hype? You have a massively successful tv show behind you, but how do you live up to their expectations when they meet you live? We all know you cant walk on water at a moments notice. So how do you combat this, no doubt, "issue"?

Answered at 05:22pm on October 28th, 2014 by danyoung (18 karma)
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Andy Nyman:
Daniel Young (Dav's here)
How important do you think it is to have a theatrical background when performing mentalism? especially in a close up environment, when you dont have as much time to establish rapport and context? In this type of environment, which isn't ideal, how would you create a better atmosphere, using your theatrical background?

Answered at 05:19pm on October 28th, 2014 by danyoung (18 karma)
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To Derren :
From Jose Cevallos:

You are like the best at what you do … I hope you do more specials . But my question is have you ever thought about making a instructional of teaching hypnosis ? It would be great to learn from the best !

Answered at 03:27pm on October 28th, 2014 by josecevallos4 (1 karma)
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To derren:

From jamie Kelly: could you possibly describe some of the ways you cover a 'miss' when performing routines that require more of a risk? I believe that risks should be taken and can greatly enhance any routine but always fear the possibility of it going completely wrong

Answered at 12:11pm on October 28th, 2014 by Jay_Kelly7 (12 karma)
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For Derren:

Luke again :) I heard that you changed the way you perform Reminiscence, any way you could talk about the updated version.

Thanks, again.

Answered at 11:06am on October 28th, 2014 by thelukecoburn (4 karma)
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For Derren:

Luke Coburn here, just wondering if you have any recommended sources for close up 'prop less' effects. And any tips on how to create a prop less effect. Thanks

Answered at 11:00am on October 28th, 2014 by thelukecoburn (4 karma)
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How is Figaro dealing with the stress of your performing schedule? Do you feel any animosity coming from him, due to having to work so much? Also, has he learned any new words?

Answered at 04:47am on October 28th, 2014 by CharlesM (13 karma)
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Did you use a cipher to hide information within the "Absolute Magic" text? There appears to be parts of it that would hint at a cipher yet I have not cracked it. Or, did you simply do that to increase the zeitgeist?

Keith M.

Answered at 02:49pm on April 5th, 2021 by Penguin-1075174131 (7 karma)
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For Mr. Berglas: You must have seen the many marketed effects and the plethora of written solutions for ACAAN (the so-called "Grail" of card mentalism). Which are the top three or four that you've seen or read about? My personal favorites are Asi Wind's, Mike Rose's (more of a CAAN) and Barrie Richardson's.

Answered at 11:39pm on February 22nd, 2020 by chrismatt (1 karma)
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Where are the answers

Answered at 11:56pm on May 27th, 2018 by markand54321 (0 karma)
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Answered at 07:24am on May 24th, 2015 by shekhar (0 karma)
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To Derren:

In regards to the psychological forcing aspects of your performances, how effective are the techniques really? Do they work 100% of the time? 90%? 10%?

Can you give any advice on how to develop original psychological force/subliminal influence based tricks and performances, or alternatively any professional insights into upping the success rate of the ones that are already out there?

Answered at 10:02am on February 4th, 2015 by chekit (0 karma)
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! Don't think of asking this Question! What method was employed early in the Trick of the mind series to give the bald headed guy a major eye strain headache in Port Median Wales?
Best wishes...... Nic

Answered at 02:23pm on December 21st, 2014 by wizaird (1 karma)
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For Mr. Brown:

You are the absolute master of pre-show work. Do you have a specific scripting pattern in order for the spectator act exactly how you want them to act come show time?

Answered at 06:47pm on December 17th, 2014 by JarJarJared (0 karma)
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To Mr. Brown and Mr. Nyman:

Because methodology in mentalism is agreeably pretty narrow (I'm not saying this is a bad thing), what is your thinking process for coming up with such creative and original effects for your stage shows?

Answered at 05:16am on December 17th, 2014 by JarJarJared (0 karma)
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To Dynamo: What was it like to have your own TV show?

Answered at 04:01pm on December 9th, 2014 by StaceySouth (3 karma)
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For Derren:

Hi, just wanted to ask you if you prefer effects that involve peaking, tears, etc. or you rather go for those not 100% accurate ways of e.g. revealing a thought of word.

Big Fan, I'm looking forward to your live lecture, take care.

Answered at 05:58pm on December 4th, 2014 by Riiiciii (0 karma)
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do you use pre-show in your stage shows? What's your philosophy regarding pre-show and invisible compromise? And how do you use pre-show in a tv program?-Anas16

Answered at 11:55am on November 24th, 2014 by girspiggy (2431 karma)
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To Derren:
do you use pre-show in your stage shows? What's your philosophy regarding pre-show and invisible compromise? And how do you use pre-show in a tv program?

Answered at 08:43am on November 23rd, 2014 by anas16 (0 karma)
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Could you please shed some light on the business side of being a Mentalist/performer ?

Mistakes we could easily avoid,pitfalls we might encounter

The does and don'ts of dealing with agents/ promoters/
theater owners etc ?

P.s. Can I say thank you to Andy for the most precious thing that is ,,,...,,,...

Its like an old friend to me,we go everywhere together.
Great reactions every time,i wouldn't be without it.

All the best
Mick in Devon-shire :)

Answered at 06:45pm on November 20th, 2014 by Shadow199 (0 karma)
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To Dynamo and Derren Brown:

I've always wanted to ask you guys a question and was wondering. What made you get noticed by TV producers? Like, what tricks/magic/illusions/mentalist effects?
Also, what would you say the biggest secret to succes is (as a magician or mentalist)?


Answered at 03:56pm on November 11th, 2014 by Ben_Rafferty23 (12 karma)
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To Derren and Mister Berglas: As you have mentioned, Mentalism gains fruits from taking risks. On TV and small groups this can be contained if something would become a failure.
However, When on stage, do you take risks as well? and if so, how do you control failures? Is it your vast knowledge of possibilities to roll it into a hit, do you accept the failure to let the miss make you more authentic or do you have some other devious strategy?
Regards, RodiV, a person who became a mentalist because you inspired him.

Answered at 02:00am on November 10th, 2014 by RodiV (1 karma)
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there are in the refill kit for Sealed 400 refills. How many times can the trick be used before being necessary to get the refills?

Answered at 12:16am on November 5th, 2014 by bobs2013 (5 karma)
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To All,

Based on the number of magicians and mentalists that seem to be on television in the UK vs. the very few household names here in the US (Copperfield & Blaine). Why do you think there is so little interest by network television in the US?

Answered at 08:13pm on November 4th, 2014 by alwow1 (4 karma)
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To Derren:

How did you get that inscribed medallion inside the large brandy glass wrapped in the ball of wool. Inscribed, 'In loving memory of Doris'?
Not looking for the exact answer obviously, but this one has had me stumped from the day I seen it live at your show in Glasgow.


Answered at 08:15am on November 3rd, 2014 by tonyslydini (0 karma)
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To Luke,

Maybe a little bit info on your new show "Psychic at the card table"?

Answered at 10:31am on November 2nd, 2014 by mikelsc (1 karma)
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For Derren,

Can you tell us anything about your new show "Miracle"?

For All,

Where do you get your clothes and can you tell us what you think about physical appearance, especially how it affects your performance?

Answered at 11:37am on November 1st, 2014 by chartman8878 (-3 karma)
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For Dynamo
From Siobhan Whiston

I'm guessing you've already got your script ready or near ready for your tour so my question is was it hard adapting your street magic to stage magic

Answered at 09:19am on October 31st, 2014 by hwhiston (0 karma)
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To every one of them:

It would be interesting how every single one of them would describe hisself as a performer, but also as the person that they are off stage.

Answered at 08:44am on October 31st, 2014 by cyberarmageddon (0 karma)
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To everyone:
When doing magic and mentalism on TV, where do you draw the line between post-production editing and camera trickery?

Camera cuts away at a moment of misdirection?
Final edit show sequences in a different order to which they actually happened?
Certain key moments are reshot after the effect and inserted into the edit?
Cameras maintain a safe angle?

Answered at 02:39am on October 31st, 2014 by chazwomaq (0 karma)
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To Derren, Andy, Luke and David:

Many of you use a "fauxcess" - a false process to explain how you achieved an mentalism effect. Especially since Derren, a lot of people now believe the fauxcess, be it reading microexpressions, NLP, hypnosis and so on. Do you feel guilty for fostering these misconceptions? Do you think mentalists have an ethical duty to not mislead people beyond the end of the show, as I think Penn and Teller argue?

Answered at 02:35am on October 31st, 2014 by chazwomaq (0 karma)
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To Derren and Luke Jermay
How Do you structure the routining of a show. Like how do you determine what routine goes where in the show?

Answered at 11:37am on October 30th, 2014 by theamazingfoti (1 karma)
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To Derren:

What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you on stage, and how did you handle it?

Answered at 07:59pm on October 29th, 2014 by brbarry (-2 karma)
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To Derren:
1. What effects have you performed on TV/Stage that you might not have felt completely optimistic/finished about, due to either lack of time or care?

2. If you could please go into some of your thoughts/routines/suggestions on hypnosis..

3. What 2 or 3 mentalism books do you feel have had the biggest impact on your career and thinking?

Answered at 05:38pm on October 29th, 2014 by jacoblinger (0 karma)
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When is your new book about happiness going to come out?
Your previous book was almost life changing for me, so I hope it's going to be soon.

Answered at 02:17am on October 29th, 2014 by AllenM (3 karma)
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For Derren:

Do you think is there any genuine use to the interpretation of the micromovements of the lips, eyes and face muscles to give an impression of real mind reading? Or it is totally just a frame on which to put the feat?


Answered at 02:15am on October 29th, 2014 by AllenM (3 karma)
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To Luke Jermay,

You are one of the few performers to have done a mentalism act in Las Vegas. Since you have performed in many parts of the world what is it about Las Vegas that you love/hate about mentalism?

Answered at 12:58am on October 29th, 2014 by gmadrigal (0 karma)
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For Andy Nyman,

Any other funny embarrassing stories not mentioned in Bulletproof?

Answered at 12:53am on October 29th, 2014 by gmadrigal (0 karma)
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To Derren Brown:
¿What does your mentalism different than the rest of other mentalist in the magic community?

Answered at 07:28pm on October 28th, 2014 by bastian12 (0 karma)
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To Derren: when are you going to have DVDs of your work available in the states?

Answered at 07:07pm on October 28th, 2014 by Conrad3000 (7 karma)
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For Luke, what did you learn, good or bad, from your time in Las Vegas?

Answered at 05:43pm on October 28th, 2014 by KevinBurke (5 karma)
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Derren Brown: How up to date are you with current publications, dvds etc? Or do you feel that it stifles your creative process, by watching other performers?

Answered at 05:15pm on October 28th, 2014 by danyoung (18 karma)
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To All:
Why do you perform Magic/Mentalism?

Answered at 05:15pm on October 28th, 2014 by mmblaze37 (0 karma)
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To Luke Jermay
When you do a mentalism piece that you have to tap people with out them knowing and they are think the are the "one" to do the effect. What do you do if they all tell the people sitting around them they were the one?

Answered at 01:55pm on October 28th, 2014 by MagicianSmurf (33 karma)
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For Dynamo:

How does it make you feel, and how do you deal with it, when people dismiss you as "the British ripoff of David Blaine"?

Answered at 01:53pm on October 28th, 2014 by ChiCharra (0 karma)
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To Luke, Andy, and Derren,

Your performances have strong theatrical elements in addition to great magic and mentalism methods. How do you tie in theatrical elements into your performances? What sources do you consult when injecting theatre elements into your performances?

Answered at 12:47pm on October 28th, 2014 by NewmDoc (31 karma)
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To Mr. Berglas:

What do think about the current use of hypnosis in magic?

Answered at 08:32am on October 28th, 2014 by wuttawongabonga (0 karma)
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For Luke, what did you learn, good or bad, from your time in Las Vegas?

Answered at 05:43pm on October 28th, 2014 by KevinBurke (5 karma)
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for Derren,
When are u planning a tour in the States?

Answered at 09:36am on October 28th, 2014 by porchhonky (38 karma)
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For Derren,

Can you tell us anything about your new show "Miracle"?

For All,

What clothes do you wear and why? Can you share what you think about physical appearance, especially how it affects your performance?

~Kyle H.

Answered at 11:40am on November 1st, 2014 by chartman8878 (-3 karma)
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Derren and Andy,

The both of you work on Derren's show and the scripting is really amazing... Well thought out with a mix of emotions (funny, sarcastic, scary/ dangerous/ intriguing)

I'm curious about how you script your shows and attempt to "break it in" before opening night.

You guys rock, thanks.

Answered at 10:29am on October 29th, 2014 by Shawnmull (9 karma)
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To Dynamo,

Where would you like to travel next to film or perform?

Answered at 12:54am on October 29th, 2014 by gmadrigal (0 karma)
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To All,

What are the lessons learnt through your TV/Viral Videos? And what are your suggestions to avoid such situations in future

Yasas (Knight of Illusions)
Sri Lanka

Answered at 08:21pm on October 28th, 2014 by gunara (-2 karma)
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Answered at 03:49pm on October 28th, 2014 by Thibius (2 karma)
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To Dynamo
What advice would you give to magicians who want to get their own TV show just like you did. It's literally my dream to get my own show on TV someday.
Connor Walsh
(Fellow UK magician)

Answered at 07:10am on October 28th, 2014 by connorwalsh98 (-2 karma)
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To Derren, Dynamo and Luke: What hobbies do you guys have? Also to Derren: Think of a it the 4 of clubs?

Answered at 10:59am on October 29th, 2014 by SylarMagic (-3 karma)
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To Luke & dynamo: did Luke give dynamo any of criss Angel 's secrets to dynamo or are you responsible in any way for their feud?

Answered at 03:56pm on October 28th, 2014 by RobertS2011 (-8 karma)
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to Derren Brown: Have you ever thought about applying your knowledge of how people's minds work 'for the greater good'? For instance to help increase rapport between political leaders, or influence people on a large scale to conserve energy, etc.

Lee von Kraus

Answered at 11:52am on October 28th, 2014 by leevonk (-3 karma)
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To All of Them!:
You guys have many tricks on penguin and they are very interesting, I wish to make a living selling my magic, and as of now I only have 1 trick on penguin magic (Double Dribble by Sean Sotaridona :D) and I wish to create better edited videos. What editing device do you use and what type of camera? Thanks in advanced! - Sean Sotaridona (a.k.a. kisela)

Answered at 12:48pm on October 28th, 2014 by kisela (77 karma)
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To all... do you blokes feel being atheists has helped you gain mainstream success? Why do you suppose Christian magicians are so few and far between? - Rob krampus

Answered at 03:52pm on October 28th, 2014 by RobertS2011 (-8 karma)
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For Andy

Answered at 03:18pm on October 28th, 2014 by Vultdecipi (-2 karma)
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To Dynamo:
In Magician Impossible, after every trick you show to someone they are so baffled they wouldn't notice you leaving. When you leave, you just leave like boss like no one noticing. How do you capture their reactions when you only have one cameraman and where do you go while they are capturing their reactions.

Answered at 04:34am on October 28th, 2014 by magicforever123 (-38 karma)
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To Dynamo:
I like your style when you mix hip-pop with your rapid, and explosive card acrobatics basically where did your style come from?

Answered at 04:27am on October 28th, 2014 by magicforever123 (-38 karma)
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Lovely mr derren

instant induction Real or fake

Answered at 09:35am on October 28th, 2014 by jsantanadb (-14 karma)
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Derren Brown: What does Martin Freeman smell like?

Answered at 07:13am on October 28th, 2014 by TheDarthHomer (-4 karma)
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To Dynamo.

are you a loyal buyer at penguinemagic shop.

Answered at 05:18am on October 28th, 2014 by 9881065669 (-14 karma)
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dear derren

what do you think of haters?

Answered at 02:16am on October 28th, 2014 by frothycoffee (-66 karma)
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To Dynamo:
In Magician Impossible, after every trick you show to someone they are so baffled they wouldn't notice you leaving. When you leave, you just leave like boss like no one noticing. How do you capture their reactions when you only have one cameraman and where do you go while they are capturing their reactions.

Answered at 04:34am on October 28th, 2014 by magicforever123 (-38 karma)
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