The entire 52 Shades of Red effect is just visual effect on top of visual effect. The ad copy and
all the claims are all true, except for the fact that the Revolver Change by Kelvin Chow was not
taught. However, utilizing these gaffs and other sleights, the same effect could be achieved. Other
than the gimmicks already included, you have to pay around $30 on supplies to complete the gimmicks.
The arts and crafts take around 5 hours, start to finish, and it is pretty easy. The extra gaffs are
all included so you can perform every effect in the trailer.
-amazingly visual
-fun to play with
-each gimmick is very versatile
-slightly light
-I suck at arts and crafts but it was worth it
Overall, this effect was
well worth my money, and if you don't mind the arts and crafts, this should be easy to make. The
main difficulty is performing it smoothly and well