I spent some time with this the other day an realized that there is little chance to make this work
unless you get it right the first time.
* gimmick has a 3 minute window
* if you miss
that window, I cant see how you could use the same card, as it would be "altered" from the previous
* gimmick is extremely fragile and handling between cards seems unlikely, even with a
For me, it would be near impossible to use this in any context. The gimmick stays
invisible for about 3 minutes, and if you "re-set" it, the card can't be forced, because it is
already showing signs of alteration.
For me, the handling of the gimmick is also
impractical. Having to keep a mile wide break to make sure you don't damage your fragile gimmick is
not workable (IMO).
Someone should have spent some time with this to make it at least
marginally practical. I like the idea, I just think it should have been matured before release.
I have some ideas I will be exploring around this, so it was worth the money for the