> All Tied Up by Chris Philpott

Not believable and hokey Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 8th, 2018
Simply ridiculous. Even the spectator in the promo and downloaded instruction video laughs and kind of scoffs when the performer says " and you also picked a card?". This is after walking her through a contrived supposedly deep psychological event in her life.

A for effort but simply inane.

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May 27th 2018 12:05pm
This wasn't scoffing -- this was surprise. Less than a minute later she had tears in her eyes. It was very believable, meaningful and powerful for her and everyone else I have done it for.

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Sep 26th 2022 2:28am
I wholeheartedly agree with what Mr. Philpott clarified above (and in his other replies to similar negative reviewers). To often we get stuck in a "magician's mind-set" and we miss the multi-layered nuances that should exist within a powerful and emotion-invoking experience like "All Tied Up".

Full disclosure, I have not yet purchased "All Tied Up", however, I firmly disagree with all those who feel this presentation somehow gets "diluted" or even "destroyed" by the revelation of a playing card selection (at first unbeknownst to the participant). By sincerely weaving in some cartomancy—a personal reading based on their (sub-conscious) selection—it will aid in the maintenance of the overall "depth" and "soul" of this evocative presentation. Further, if one really has a great distain for playing cards, then I don't see why they couldn't be substituted for the minor arcana of the tarot? Just a thought.

Truth be told though, I do not believe that the average "performer" will sincerely be able to muster the genuineness and emotional maturity required of this empowering effect, esp. if it is mistakenly sandwiched between sponge balls and floating cards, or the like (I'm not being sarcastic). Is this a gross generalization, absolutely! Yet, I strongly feel too much of magic and mentalism nowadays is egocentric, performer-focused, and narcissistic even, opposed to being centered on our participants, and providing them with a magical experience that has the power to help them find the light/courage/power within themselves.

Lastly, I am a firm believer that when we purchase an effect/script/presentation/routine, the onus is on us to make it our own! It makes no logical sense that there should be a magic cookie-cutter approach to what we do, or how we do it. Be you, be u-nique, and make it your own. There's a million ways to reveal a chosen card, who says we all have to do it the same way? As another reviewer alluded to: Every effect is a seed, it's up to us to water it and give it light, like only we individually can. Have we lost our dang creative minds? Please forgive my verbose ranting... Bout to ordering it now!

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