If you're going to have an ACAAN where the magician deals the cards, the effect had better be direct
— at least as I see it. Here, the procedure for selecting the number is "mathy" and not justified,
but what bothers me perhaps the most is that the magician fails to execute an in the hands riffle
shuffle, allowing the cards to spread over the table. As a ruse, dropping cards is inelegant and not
amusing AND it means the trick requires a lot more precious table space than it should, limiting
performance opportunities. If ONLY the magician handles the cards, you can do a "secret" card at a
"secret" number, with a truly randomly and freely selected card and number with a simple control and
second or bottom deal. Of COURSE the "holy grail" of the "Berglas Effect" would be to have a
secretly selected card appear at a secretly selected number without the performer touching the deck.
That not being possible, the closer we can get to that effect the better. SCASN is a step backwards
from MANY better methods.