but the layout is what I'd like to give a comment about. I long thought about if I should write this
or not. Because the material in the book is great, as everything I know from Geoff Latta. However,
the last years I have noticed the tendency to publish material(if printed, i.e. books, or in other
form)in smaller and smaller font sizes. This is annoying and discriminates everyone who has not 100%
eye sight (like me - even with glasses I have at best 80%). So the book is very hard to read for
me. In addiiton, the fotos in the book are also very small. Further, why publish books in such
unusual formats - this needs only additional space on my book shelves I could use better. So, I hope
some publisher and editors will realize that it would be at least more pleasure to read books wiht a
layout that can be read easily, even if you don't have an eyesight like an eagle.