The creator of the Clarity Box and The Linking Finger Ring Project, among a host of other effects
and collaborations, David Regal is a modern master of magic and a fantastic teacher, by the way.
This effect is SO STRONG! I’ve been looking for a new transposition method and Modern
Transportaion is it!
I love effects that can be adapted to fit many styles of
presentation. I’ll be presenting this as a Mandela Effect or possibly a demonstration of quantum
mechanics. I love to perform tricks with a pseudoscience twist.
Modern Transportation is
super clean-looking in performance and it truly ends TOTALLY CLEAN!
No forces
knuckle-busting moves
No kidding!
The secret is super-sneaky and perfect for a beginner
as well as a pro. After all, David himself performs this at the Magic Castle. Again I say, there are
no funny or difficult moves. It just looks like a super fair, totally unexplainable, completely
impossible transposition of two cards.
Fantastic download!