For those who don't have it, its not an app on Apple App store. The app is in developer mode and
this package comes with information on how to access that. I asked Mariano why its like that and he
said thats what Murphys Magic (magic distributor) suggested wahich to be honest, is a foolish idea.
For android its an app but I don't know whether the tutorial will be provided with the app. I
suggest just get this package from wherever its available. It actually is a fantastic effect
completely different method from inject. I don't know why Rostami keeps itching on magic cafe when
someone other than him, gets a very cool method to perform mind reading or predictions even after
Mariano gives credit to Rostami. Looks like Greg Rostami gets too jealous if others can get things
done differently. I don't like that. If Mariano has put something together ehich is cool instead of
always itching one should appreciate and congratulate!!