This is the single best object to impossible location ever! I learnt it from his book a few days
ago, performd it twice and it killed! It is very very easy to do, it's a one time setup that takes
two minutes once you understand it, and it uses no gimmick s at all! If you didn't buy it yet you
don't truly realise how good it is. It allows you to get the object to the impossible place before
anything happens, and when your audience see the bill in a totally different place! It is so fun to
do because you are so far ahead, and honestly just that feeling is worth every penny.the one tiny
problem is you really really should use American bills. Honestly it's fine if your not from the u.s.
you just need to make a couple of presentationl changes and your good. Oh,and by the way, if you
aren't ready for the watch version you can just combine it with any other object to impossible
location you have. Personally I am not ready for the watch version so I do it with the real man's
wallet but you can use other wallets, markers etc.
This is pure gold. It went right into my
repertoire and is staying there forever. I always have it with me in my wallet, which means I can
now blow my spectators minds away and back and away again anywhere I go.
Thank you asi