I bought this over level one because its limited release, I watched as level one flew off my magic
dealers shelf as this one sat. This is another product that I got caught up in the hype over.
It’s a decent enough effect although live performances are not as clean as camera alludes. There
were two photos in the trailer that convinced me I could routine this, they were not included.
Finix has a thick accent, reviews here and on YouTube all seem to mention this, but I think
those are coming from areas where foreign accents are t that common to begin with, while I strained
to understand somethings it’s not like it incomprehensible along with video explanations.
heard some negatives on its durability but it works more often and hasn’t broken, unlike my flat
pack. If I recall there are not any real world performances. Really wished the corgi and golden gate
were included in the release or just left out of the marketing tools.
I feel it overpriced and I
know that Finix works hard on these units but the few times I’ve performed it they were less than
overwhelmed, but then again the first few tricks are are always done for those I know and they may
be a bit fed up with all my chicanery anyhow.