True. None of these tricks are even remotely new. Paper to Money, Gypsy Thread, Cups and Balls,
Sponge Balls, Ring on Rope, and Ring to Envelope are all classics in their own right. But don't be
turned off by their familiarity. Roberto will not just show methods, but the decisions that have to
be made during practice and performance to make these classics shine.
I was thrown off too
by how common the illusions were that Roberto decided to perform. But that's the way it is with most
who perform regularly. We pick the illusions we know best—those that have become second nature—to
perform. And truly, how many people actually perform these classics on a regular basis?! Not many.
Why? Most people have not put in the time and thought necessary to make these classics look like
true miracles. They are straight-forward miracles, but most are unaware of the pitfalls and
disasters that can occur while performing them.
If you are wanting to figure out what it
takes to actually perform all the illusions that you're buying these days, this lecture will
certainly help you see the road to get there. But of course, the long road of practicing and
performing you'll have to take yourself.
This is the 3rd lecture I've seen from Roberto and
I find his understanding of the fundamentals and performance of illusions and sleight of hand are of
the highest caliber.