Daniel gave up so many of his routines from his working repertoire in this 4+ hour super card
lecture. These routines have been worked by Daniel for years in front of thousands of audience
performances. I was very impressed how one routine smoothly flowed to subsequent routines. The
card magic is visual and astonishing. The overall context of the lecture is aimed at the
intermediate card handler.....not very difficult to learn or present....and plenty of opportunity to
adapt to your personal style. Stunning effects! Thank you David for giving us so many amazing,
intelligent and fun routines to present. These routines are foolers of the 1st order. This lecture
is comparable in length, scope and outright deceptiveness to other previous Penguin lecturer’s along
the likes of Allan Ackerman, Paul Cummins, Nick Einhorn, Dave Forrest and Dani DaOrtiz..... pretty
good company!!!