But Spelmann's efforts here deserve notoriety. What a simple and yet genius innovation for mentalism
and mental magic with cards this is! If you've ever taken issue with the vague nature of card
mentalism and its lack of inherent meaning, these images are essentially the solution. As the
trailer makes clear, there are so many more dimensions to revealing a thought that involves human
emotion rather than abstract numbers, pips, and colors.
Furthermore, these photographs allow you
to present old classics in new ways. Given the "memory deck" pretext of the product (wonderfully
cheeky idea by Spelmann to design the box this way), presenting many sorts of card effects as mental
demonstrations is now much more interesting.
If you really get creative, you can stack this
deck. The images lend themselves well to mnemonic memorization, and I've already created a few stack
routines myself. Combine this with a pocket index, and you've got some amazing potential at your
disposal. I've bought two deck for myself (deck switches open yet more doors, my friends).
all, this is a phenomenal product. Simple in concept and design, yet endless in its possibilities.
Good on Marc Spelmann, Peter Nardi, and all who worked on this idea. And a great many thanks!