As usual, Lewis offers you a lot in this download. A real nice story, which is essential in
mentalism, and a detailed explanation and technique. The performance is done with real people in
several environments, which is always nice. There is a pdf included here with the evolution of the
thinking of Lewis around the plot invented in 2016 with very nice subtelties: this allows you to see
the evolution of the story and technique associated towards more smoothness in the processs, a real
great addition to the video.
As a conclusion, all is good and you can pick part or all of this
download according to your way of working. Personnally I have already a way to peek information so
my preference went to the story and Lewis is very good also for building a real theme. I wanted also
to be able to use my business cards which are written on one side (this is not possible with the
technique teached here)
Hike - Mentalist -