So I received the deck and yes, it is brilliant in design.
I practiced it and then performed it
on some people. The first two times it went perfectly and blew my spectator's minds. However, on the
3rd time around, when I asked the spectator to shuffle the deck if they like they proceeded to do a
rifle shuffle and bending the ends of the deck to much and revealed the secret. The moral of the
story is, WHENEVER a layman is handling any trick deck there is always the possibility (despite
audience control) that a mishap can happen. The good news is they can shuffle as much as they like
but you must control them not to bend the cards back too much or they will reveal the secret and
trick will be a disaster.
Thanks for the info! Do the cards feel normal thickness? I this a rough\smooth or Psychomantic deck situation?
The deck will feel like a regular deck if a layman is the spectator and you manage them properly. There is an element of r/s.
If you follow the instructions carefully most all mishaps can be avoided. Like most magic, perceptions are key. Don’t be fooled by criticism. This is the strongest piece of magic in a long time. Follow the instructions clearly and don’t “invite” problems! Follow The Instructions! If you watch the presentation, the cards are does not end the trick. It may be hard to fool a familiar.
To add to above I will say this: It works just as described by following the well thought out Instructions!
So Jay, to be clear, are you saying, “follow the instructionS!”? or “FOLLOW THE $&#@!! Intructions!!”? 👍🏼
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