This and the other videos in Colin's series are not brief explanations of single effects that teach
you the bare basics so you can run out and entertain friends, colleagues, and cohorts. Yes,
ENVision is a great routine, and the routine alone is worth the price; however, if that’s all you’re
interested in learning, then buying this download would be like ordering a meal in a 5-star
restaurant just to get the sprig of parsley used as a garnish. Besides the routine, the video
provides Colin’s method of how he analyzes his performances and finds what he perceives to be
weaknesses, then how he proceeds to find solutions to those weaknesses. Colin doesn't simply invent
or construct routines; he builds relationships with them that evolve over time. Included in the
download is footage of both early and later performances along with annotations highlighting the
changes. Literally seeing the effect and his presentation grow is one of the more valuable and
enjoyable lessons learned from this video. In short, this video (and the others in the series) are
saturated with tips and handlings that are well-worth the conscientious and thoughtful performer's
time and money. You will watch this video multiple times and come away with something new and
valuable after each viewing.