When I bought Anthem Flint’s first release. Q&A Revolution, I was thrilled and impressed with this
young man’s depth of knowledge and skill in performing a very deceptive and entertaining Q&A act.
Equally impressive was his Close-up Q&A release.
The Wish Q&A fell short of those releases
in many respects. First, the Hull card has been around for decades. It’s not the most deceptive
method. I consider it to be one of the least deceptive. Second, nothing really new is taught in
the handling that hasn’t been taught Previously in other works by other authors. Yes, the theme of
this routine focuses on a wish rather than a question. But the method and handling for using a
hull card is not new, and explained much better in videos by John Riggs and Cicardi. Finally, this
would have been a much better release if it had included video links, including a full performance
of the act, which Anthem had posted on his YouTube channel a couple years ago.