Look i got my hope’s up thinking this is a new idea that can be done anywhere at. Any time, and boy
i was wrong. This is not original in any way, it is a well know tool with a new design of a tic
tac, and it does not even WORK. The flaps included were bent and out of shape, the black on black
did not work at all and BOTH of the flaps came with no elastics, not only that but this takes
another hour of construction and damage to A-card case. And the audience will most likely forget the
trick after a minute. Also it is totally not Angele proof, if your audience is not exactly in-front
they wont see any magic. AND because you dont get elastics the trick has a big move in the middle,
and the fold line is so easy to see i could see it 10 feet away, AND IM SERIOUS so do not buy