COVID made this weird, I know, but there is quite a lot of repeat material from his first lecture in
this one. I can’t BELIEVE Penguin didn’t curate this better, honestly. This is the first Live
lecture that I’ve been disappointed in. There is almost no material taught, and the banter sucks!
The worst part was that Docc was left to carry the show with no one in the audience, and
Nick brought all of the personality of a damp paper towel to the table. Yikes, worst host ever, for
a lecture, easily. He seemed like he wanted to be anywhere but in the room, added nothing, and maybe
asked 3 questions in 4 hours.
Hurts the heart to see one of the worst from one of the
greatest, and hurts the wallet to be bent over so far for so little.
I’d give it one star
if Docc weren’t such an incredible inspiration.