Jay is one of the best instructors I have found in my budding career as a late in life magician
(starting at age 62).
Heck, Jay's transformation of a 2$ bill into 2 x 1$ bills (and vice
versa) is worth it all. That trick alone keeps amazing everyone. I'm even working on versions with
foreign currency (one in Italian, one in Hungarian). I've got a 2000 Lire note turning into two 1000
lire notes and am working on patter (in Italian) about how difficult it used to be to get change in
Italian stores! "Non possiamo darti alcun resto dai tuoi soldi!" Poof. Here's a couple of 1000 lire
notes, bitch!
For the record, Italian Lire have long been replaced by the Euro, but you can
get older bank notes pretty cheaply on eBay. I'm waiting on my Hungarian forints.