I have to give this one points for being easy. There is one part (where you take the question
envelope out of the black envelope) where things don't go as smooth as he makes it look, but other
than that there's not much you have to do. The gimmicks are so strong they hold themselves well. You
are given several methods to force the card you need to force, and you literally can force any of
the choices (even though a card box is all you can produce).
You use a standard Bicycle
card box that you supply with your cards. Unfortunately, adding the gimmick to your box makes it
hard to slide the cards out to use after producing them. If you take out about 8 cards, it's not so
bad, but if you need to use a full deck you'll have a little struggle there. This could have been
fixed by including a slightly oversized card box we could use. You can't really trim down the
gimmick's thickness because of the power it needs to have to hold on, so that means you can't really
adjust for a regular box of cards. You can use all of them and you can eventually get them out, but
it's not a smooth thing.
Otherwise, it's an awesome trick and a nice opener. If you plan to
put rope or spongeballs in the box instead of opening with a card trick, you're definitely good to