The Mexican coins aren't engraved really well some of the artwork is a little bit lacking in detail
but the coins do have an old Year date on them so it just makes the coins seem like they're a little
worn out from being so old and used the half dollar is really well made and when the two coins
magnetically stick together to become one half dollar they look like an ordinary half dollar close
up no one would notice anything unusual about the half dollar the trick works really well as far as
the magnetic aspect but the magnet is a little weak so there is a little play when the two gimmick
coins are stuck together to become one once the coins are stuck together and become the half dollar
looking at the half dollar close up it will look ordinary on both sides but the coin cannot be
handed for inspection because there is a slight movement between the two coins when they're stuck
together to become one so I wish the Spanish coins had better detail and I wish there was a stronger
magnet with inside the gimmick coin so that there was virtually no movement between the two coins
when they were stuck together then you could probably hand the coin out for inspection but it's not
to bad for the price