These cards are a great alternative to your 'standard' red and blue bikes. The color is vibrant, and
quality control on these cards is great. Note: the 9 different 'colored' 807 rider backs currently
sold on Penguin are not the 'V1' (OG color collection) of 9 decks which were sold years ago. These
newer decks maintain the same vibrant colors (except brown is now gone, and black is the 808 box).
One thing to note is that these newer decks were produced after the policy change for modifying
Bicycle designs, meaning the gaffs supplied now are more "standard" like double backs and blanks,
versus the cooler pip matrix cards and blurred faces which used to come with the decks. At this
price, any of the colored decks are a must-buy IMO. I bought multiple bricks of every color.