The statement is made that Portal is "In a regular performance environment, the electronic
mechanisms will be unheard with your patter or other ambient noise."
I OWN PORTAL. It may very well be a nice effect for stageAKa but forget it for
close up. The old statement is that some magic effects are loud enough to wake glorpy AKA the dead.
This is one of those effects. The mechanical transfer of the coin is extremely loud. Further, it
seems a half dollar is too heavy to be used. A quarter size coin is much better.
If you
want a close up coin tran sfer, do not buy this. Get a Roth or Harbottle or Latta video or better a
I do agree with that it's a bit noisy.
But with background music or add vocals you can mask the sound of the transfer.
When I first got it I was very nervous over the sound, but after a few times and some cover noise. This is one of those scare the magicians(noise) but flies over the head of the audience.
Without a doubt a non gimmicked version can be learned.(you can never wrong studying those guys methods.). But it's worth close 3 stars. Bar, parlor, it's good. Upclose 1 on 1, you going to have make some cover noise. Small gathering with Music no problem.
cjjanis, I agree with you. It is too is still one of the most powerful effects I perform. My solution was to incorporate a small musical instrument to "dissolve the coin molecules to facilitate the teleportation." It is very motivated with my routine, and renders Portal absolutely inexplicable (and silent). Signed coin...are you kidding me?!? Truly I expected better quality, but this is one possible workaround that keeps it at 5 stars for me.
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