The gimmick came empty power, you need to charge it first,( & before every performance) the remote
control sensitivity at first has issue, needed pressing hard to make it light, the third video in
the explanation he teaches how to fix that issue, after watching the video and following
instructions, I have easily fixed the issue in the battery housing, and the remote control works
perfect with a little touch.
He teaches about the gimmick, and gives you some ideas , but you
could came with your own ideas, I bought it for me to use it with my own other ideas , he gave
several uses for it and great explanation. May be one from his ideas doesn't fit you , so you need
to change a little bit of the handling, you don't need to handle it exactly as he teaches,
experiment fitting it with to your own handling.
It just a tool for you to add to your
performance otherwise it does what it says, for my personal act it serves me well.