I guess a should have read the fine print. This is a PDF. I'm a ring guy mostly when it comes sto
magic I love these effects and despise IT, I asked the penguin help desk about this and was ignored
and misdirected while talking about wands. Didn't get the answer had a bit to spend so i could pick
up that Pokemon free trick bonus. Just irked now I have to go buy not one but two more items for
this effect to even be attempted.
He directions are clear enough and it's a short read just
think I would have been better off buying two cool box effects for the price. Shoot could have
bought six if decide to buy the "extras" the help desk skirted around in my questioning. I guess
penguin has been as slow as these streets in the fall to do their customers like this and Sultan
should have charged five he didn't have production value what soever. (M)isguided, (O)ut right!