Trick a free download and Nick Locapo does the video and his tricks are clearly explained and
simple. I started with a Stripper (deck that is) 60 years ago. The good thing about the deck is my
old hands can still use it. nick's five tricks can be done.
My 1961 Jean Hugard edited
Encyclopaedia of Card Tricks and it contains over 60 stripper tricks. Three times the Svengali
Asa teenager my best trick was with a marked stripper deck and it astounded and fooled
the spectators always. The deck is shuffled to red and black age piles and then half way changed
aces. All the cards are shown to be in same colour piles. The piles are riffled together and then
split into two and given to a spectator to deal to the colour of the aces and change to different
ace. When finished the piles are combined carefully and shown to be a red and a black pile.
more hazardous than Nick's group which are always good material. He is an instantly likeable guy.
Malcolm Fisher
Very old amateur magician (and teacher of very old magicians wanting to
fool their grandkids.)
Sydney, Australia