No doubt this plot is one of the great modern day mentalist inventions. The props always felt cheap
to me and this update is first class and unlike so many other releases, actually warranted. Nick's
instruction is great but as I've said elsewhere, the prediction is mightily flawed (hence the 4
stars). In the case that the spectator reads the prediction every nuance must be brilliantly
executed or something can seem off. I equate it to the care that must to be taken into account to
brilliantly pull off equivoque. And right now the prediction doesn't help in this matter. They
should have used similar language to the keychain version. By beginning the prediction with
something along the lines of "I have committed myself" or "I'm 100% committed" you really can sell
the prediction. Especially if they're reading it. "Do you want to trade with me? Are you sure you're
100% committed? Ok, then go ahead and read your fortune." Bang. Perfectly copacetic. So if the
creator is reading this, I'd love to see an update, otherwise it's easy enough to make your own
prediction card.