Mr. Wonder is the last of a vanishing breed of magician whose craftsmanship and dedication to his
art is evident in every single aspect of his work. Leaving nothing to chance, Mr. Wonder breaks
every effect down to the most basic level, then reconstructs and polishes each effect to perfection.
Most of these effects require some serious machinist/construction skills but the effects
themselves are far from the true value of these DVD's. The priceless education on the performance
and art of magic is what makes Tommy Wonder, this DVD and of course the "Books of Wonder" an
absolute necessity for all magicians.
Recommended for intermediate to advanced magicians,
neophytes and those new to the art will most likely fail to see the treasures captured here on film.
The only drawback, I would have loved to see some performance footage of Mr. Wonders
elegant Zombie routine in addition to his tips. The short glimpse of his work with the zombie only
hinted at it's beauty in his hands.