Joshua Jay's Pro Carrier has to be one of the best ideas to hit the Street Magician/Walk-around
Magician, by allowing him/her to carry much more than you'd normally would feel comfortable wearing
while performing. Even though I just own one, here's what I stocked up Pro Carrier up with:
1x Deck: (Invisible Deck, Out of Control Deck, or any of the black boarder decks that I use for
Packet tricks: Double Back, NFW!, B`Wave, 8 Card Brainwave, Cigarette Through Card,
and extra cards for when I carry around my Out of Control Deck.
Coin Compartment: Morgan
Silver Dollar, Quarter Bite, and Scotch and Soda.
I love this little thing so much that I'm
going to buy another one to free up more space for other items I can then put into my cargo pant