The Goshman sponge balls are the best on the market. Easy to handle and lasts forever! Yellow color
shines the most, but if you tend to use them outside, maybe go for another color (like red) since
they may get dirty after a while.
I am mainly a card magician, but I always throw in a
sponge ball routine in my shows, it's good for a change and nice misdirection for switching decks
etc. Also, these are good for final loads when doing cups and balls, if you don't like using fruit.
If your cups are standard size, I will suggest three inches balls and yellow color of course. Easy
to hide, easy to load and makes high impact. A good thing you get four of there, because it makes
the possibilities for real miracles greater.
You will like this product, trust me! And the
instructional video is great, gets you started right away ;)