I don't love all the material on this DVD, but it's worth it just for the set featuring the
Breakthrough Card System. Not only is the stack reasonably well explained here, but the 3 or 4
routines Osterlind uses it for are very instructive. The biggest mistakes beginners make when
they've learned their stack are: they do nothing in the way of false shuffles or cuts; they are too
obvious with their peeks; their reveals are too ham-handed. Osterlind covers the proper subtleties
of all of these aspects very nicely.
The ESP deck routine and the design duplication
routine utilize similar principles, so they both fit very well here. The rest of the effects in
this one, I can take them or leave them, but that's really irrelevant; the main point is that if you
want to see someone properly do stacked-deck work, this DVD is terrific.