This is one of those fun things that anyone who works with cards ought to have. Basically, someone
selects a card, and then you show them a flip-book animation on the back of the deck in which a
stick figure finds their card.
The animation is cute and funny, and the handling required
really isn't that difficult. Don't even sweat the move required to position the card, because the
spectator doesn't know what's coming, and with a little time misdirection, no one is going to
remember what you did with the card anyway.
And besides, this isn't the sort of trick
anyone is going to bother to try to deconstruct anyway. That's because it's not like the usual sort
of card trick where you've done something to fool or outsmart the spectator, and now they feel
challenged to figure out how; instead, this is one of those rare effects where you're merely showing
the spectator something exceptionally cool that will put a smile on their face and get a nice laugh.